I have been noticing lots and lots of posts regarding patching, and I just thought that everyone should be made aware that if you get the Xecuter2_4976.02_MultiVer_256k bios there is no need for patching. That's all.
for some damn reeason i had problems getting that bios to work on my matrix.. i had to reflash it with my old d6 bios again to get it to work.. its all good tho finally got my ftp speeds up to 11,800..
Well i tried the X2 bios and two games (all-star baseball and high heat) didnt work, and neither did my patched games... :-/
i cant even get that fusking bios to boot my box for some reason but mine plays patched games fine with d6 so if its not broke im not fixing it..
I flashed my matrix with Xecuter2_4976.02_MultiVer_256k with no problem. I then coppied Enter the Matrix and Brute Force to the XBOX hard drive (without any patches) and they both play just fine.