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macbook or Dell?

Discussion in 'Resource center' started by caffeine_, Aug 4, 2006.

  1. caffeine_

    caffeine_ Guest

    I am looking for a reliable, affordable notebook to take with me when I go places. I really want a macbook for the looks (i know it seems silly) but was wondering about the battery life, the heat problem and the stain problem. Would I be better off getting a dell laptop which are usually pretty reliable, or should I go with the macbook.
  2. hermes_vb

    hermes_vb Regular member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    My Dell Inspiron 6000 gives me almost 4 hrs of battery life, but if you can afford a MAC, I'd go for it. It;s a better computer.
  3. LexZ

    LexZ Guest

    get the mac it is way way better !!!!!! especially if u are into computer art
  4. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Less Than a Minute to Hijack a MacBook's Wireless
    Posted by timothy on Thursday August 03, @08:10AM
    from the uh-oh dept.
    Security Wireless Networking Bug Apple
    Kadin2048 writes "As reported by Ars Technica and the Washington Post, two hackers have found an exploitable vulnerability in the wireless drivers used by Apple's MacBook. Machines are vulnerable if they have wireless enabled and are set to connect to any available wireless network, fairly close to their default state, and the exploit allows an attacker to gain "total access" -— apparently a remote root. Although the demo, performed via video at the BlackHat conference, takes aim at what one of the hackers calls the "Mac userbase aura of smugness on security," Windows users shouldn't get too smug themselves: according to the Post article, "the two have found at least two similar flaws in device drivers for wireless cards either designed for or embedded in machines running the Windows OS." Ultimately, it may be the attacks against embedded devices which are the most threatening, since those devices are the hardest to upgrade. Currently there have not been any reports of this vulnerability 'in the wild.'" According to this story at ITwire.com, they were able to exploit Linux and Windows machines, too. (Thanks to Josh Fink.)
    Less Than a Minute to Hija

    go here to read it all
  5. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    @ Ireland..

    You'd be suprised but that is the same as a regular PC...You can crack a wireless WEP in 10 mins if you had a good enough wordlist.

    And it also says that they have found atleast a couple of vulnerabilties on a windows OS.....And they most likely made a patch for it since they made the article.
    Just some info :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2006
  6. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    i know that but he asked about a macbook and that was why i posted the article..

    also i wonder it will be in this months release

    Dozen Windows, Office updates coming next week

    windows Microsoft has 12 security bulletins in store for next Tuesday that address both Windows and Office issues.

    Ten Windows bulletins will be released for Windows and two for Office as part of Microsoft's monthly patching schedule. Specific details on the types of issues that the bulletins address were not available, but at least one update for each product is considered critical and some will require a restart, Microsoft said in a notice posted on its Web site. Dozen Windows, Office updates coming next week | CNET News.com Linked by shanmuga Fri Aug4 2006 2:33am EDT
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2006
  7. caffeine_

    caffeine_ Guest

    Has anyone had the stain problem, I heard it only takes 2 weeks to stain pretty bad. I would buy black, but then I could just get a standard windows PC which is black, and not have to worry about the issues that come along with a mac.

    Heres a picture of the stain

    A pretty bad one.
  8. Noqoilpi

    Noqoilpi Regular member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    There will always be risks with wireless anything. There are some guys who broke into SpeedPass. Walk down the street listen to phone calls, look inti a home on the baby cam, open garage doors. Remote control is risky.

    I am glad I keep an updated slipstream XP disk. I feel sorry for anyone who has to update from SP2. F-ing time for SP3.
  9. Aramisk

    Aramisk Member

    Aug 7, 2006
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    having wireless enabled is a auto security flaw in any devices nothing new

    good wep encryption will last about a week, not good encryption about 10 mins

    use the default settings its a matter of momments

    so its pointless to talk about it

    i would go for a mac, and get a copy of bootcamp so you can have both xp and mac os on your laptop and get the best of both worlds

    ok xp is shit, for blah blah reasons, but if u need it for an application u have it

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