ok i have heard of this amazing map pack and i dont no how to get it and how to put it on my xbox someone please explain what i have to do
[bold]Download Mirror 1:[/bold] http://www.hacks-4-snacks.com/download.php [bold]Download Mirror 2:[/bold] http://www.behemothnet.net/stoner/Killtrocity/Mappack_System_Final.rar [bold]Download Mirror 3:[/bold] http://www.coritron078.xboxsoftmods.org/DutchmenFiles/Mappack_System_Final.rar [bold]HaloMaps.com Topic where this is found:[/bold] http://www.halomaps.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4052&sid=74105115108517861c9727bb4e87b7fd Just read all the read me's in all the folders and it will tell you how to do everything! [bold]Video Preview:[/bold] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdnNUVDSlHo
ok but mirror three is the only on there and hacks-4-snacks it is deleted or something and the second one doesnt take me to anything but a video and the chicken dance song
The Killtrocity Map Pack is by far my favorite map pack I have downloaded for Halo 2, seeing as it is the only Halo 2 map pack I have downloaded about applying the ppfs: just look for the readme file, it'll tell you what to do.
Make copies of it. Right click Zanzibar (I believe is one of the .sppf ones) then go into a different folder and right click and click paste. Then rename it to whatever it's supposed to be. Then right click the original zanzibar and then go back to the folder and paste it there.
ok i pretty much understand everything but when i do the auto patcher and resign it and all that they dont go into the modified maps folder infact i dont no where they go any suggestions?
I'm having problems with this map pack. I can't use that map resigner that they give you in the SPPF folder for some reason. I have Microsoft Framework but it still doesn't open. Is there another resigner I could use. I put it on my xbox anyways and the main menu loads and looks sweet. But the maps just won't load.
Are there other maps to download for halo 2 other than the killtrocity map pack? I got the Killtrocity map pack but im just wondering if there are more maps i can download somewhere else
Yes, there is a map pack called the United Map Pack with the same concept. You can get it here... http://www.halomods.com/site2/geeklog-1.3.9/public_html/article.php?story=20050325102425385
does anyone no whats wrong with mine it says all the maps get the right patches and all that and are all resigned but i dont no where they go afterwards they arent in the modified maps folder
uhm lets see how do i burn the ISO to a DVD. ive been friggin trytin to find out. its really hard to. does it have to be downloaded by Utorrent or Bit Commet? its rlly hard to do that and its rlly bugging me. plz help me.
i got it from mirror 3, but now what? i want to put it on a dvd, not on my xbox,so do i just put it on right now as it is, or is there something else i have to do?