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How do you create a .CUE file from .Bin file? - Continued

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by TuRBoT, Jun 10, 2003.

  1. TuRBoT

    TuRBoT Member

    Jun 10, 2003
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    I could no longer post to the old thread so i'm starting a new one.

    I suspect that the .bin.exe file mentioned is a .bin file stored in a self-extracting archive (probably zip or rar) so to use the .bin file stored in it, simply double-click on the .bin.exe file and it should prompt you for a directory to extract the .bin to. After you've extracted the .bin file, you should have no problem getting Nero to recognize it.
  2. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Depending on the burning program you use, you shouldnt even have to need a CUE file. If you do need to use a CUE file, there is a simple program out there called CUE Creator 1.00a (not sure where i got it or if there is a newer version). If you can't manage to find it, a simple CUE file can be made in notepad:

    FILE "binFileName.bin" BINARY
    TRACK 1 MODE1/2352
    INDEX 1 00:00:00

    Just replace binFileName.bin with the name of your bin file (include the path if the CUE file isnt in the same folder). Also if you happen to know that the BIN file isnt a MODE1-2352 disc (which, in most cases, it IS so you dont really have to worry), then just change the second line to reflect such differences.

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