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Help my hd died

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by j0gigs, Aug 8, 2006.

  1. j0gigs

    j0gigs Member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    Hi, Hopefully someone can help. I have a v 1.0 xbox that has a dead hard drive. When i turned it on, i was getting error 07. I have a spare 40gb drive that i want to use as a replacement. I downloaded Slayers evox 2.6 disc. When I try to boot with the disc I get error 16. If I boot with a game in i get error 5. I don't have a mod chip. Is there anything I can do to get this running again?
  2. thekingo7

    thekingo7 Regular member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    Well first things first, you diagnosed your problem correctly, the exact thing happened to me. Now listen, you need a modchip to boot anything non-xbox made, once you do this you can pretty much do anything with your xbox (other than fly). Buy a chip ( I would personaly reccomend the duox 2 if you can solder) pop it in, along with your new drive and boot up the slayers, format you drive and lock it. Then dl AID 3.0 (auto installer deluxe) and burn it, boot it and install all the apps and the dashboard you want.

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