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Burning Backups question

Discussion in 'Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion' started by GFockerr, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. GFockerr

    GFockerr Member

    Jul 31, 2006
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    I got a DVD with some .iso and .gcm files and I wanna know how can I burn each of them into a Mini DVD to play them in my NGC. As far as I know they should be burned in DVD-R but I also wanna know at what speed can I burn the games so they run perfectly, I hope you can help me. Thanks
  2. elyk1212

    elyk1212 Member

    Jun 13, 2005
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    Hi there, This is a very vague question, but I think I know what you mean. I don't have a specific answer (no one will, actually since it will widely depend on the many variables of your situation). For example: {burner hardware, gamecube drive rev, media you are using, etc}. I have similar statistical questions that were answered on this site:


    I have a newly modded cube with Duo Q, and I have not gotten even one brand to boot. I always get the "Error has occurred please check instruction manual" message. I have yet to try the (here apparently famous) Ritek media. I guess I should go with what works, but I was hoping to find a media brand that would work and is sold in stores. If I can, I could exchange some of the misburns at some stores for new blank discs. Is this a great country or what?!
    So, anyhow, I guess Fuji film might be a good one to try for in store brand (#3 on the list of best media, stats page).
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2006
  3. GFockerr

    GFockerr Member

    Jul 31, 2006
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    I don't quite understand that link you gave me but I know what kind of mini dvd I should use, I already bought a copy of NFS most wanted and the brand of the minidvd is Ridata and it says DVD-R 4X 30 min/1.46 GB so my question is, if I buy that kind of blank cd and will I be able to burn the .iso files without doing anything else? Because I think i read somewhere that the .iso file has to have an exact size I don't know if thats true.
  4. bqheath

    bqheath Member

    Aug 9, 2006
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    Well you need a modchip or a softmod method to boot backups.And as you mentioned the iso file has to be 1,459,978,240 bytes. Also elyk1212 Officedepot brand mini dvd-r's are ritek g04, they just have the officedepot name on them. Also have you tried adjusting your laser?
  5. GFockerr

    GFockerr Member

    Jul 31, 2006
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    My gc already has a modchip, however, I don't know its name and yes it can boot backups, I have a couple of questions.. how can I make my .iso have exactly 1,459,978,240 bytes and do I need to add some sort of program to the .iso so it can be booted by my gamecube, or just burn the image? Thanks
  6. elyk1212

    elyk1212 Member

    Jun 13, 2005
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    Thanks, bqheath. I had heard that about OfficeDepot, but I was not sure if they change it (co-brands) up from time to time. Prob not though, since many have mentioned this. My dilemma is they are less than 1/2 the store price when purchased online. Does Office Depot have any crazy deals on their 'own' media like Fry's Electronics seems to on cheapo brand DVDs? That would be great if they do.
  7. elyk1212

    elyk1212 Member

    Jun 13, 2005
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    Focker, I heard that too about some chips needing a padded ISO to make the data exactly 1.4x gigs (where x is a value I don't recall). Anyhow, you may have a use for this link:


    There is a link to some software called: fstFix that can fix your ISOs by padding up to X gigabytes, and do other things like fix audio glitches in ISOs that were ment for streaming (which I guess are still around some places). You may need to fish around the menu (should be under 'Supplements'->'File Database').
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2006

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