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Get Rid of The Console Forum Rooms

Discussion in 'AfterDawn feedback & suggestions' started by borhan9, Aug 14, 2006.

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  1. borhan9

    borhan9 Active member

    May 25, 2005
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    I have seen enough good members go down the drain here. I think its about time we close the games forum rooms and move them too the other site Blasteroids.com

    and leave all memebers that deal with that there and not here.

    Can some admin do something about that. Or get new mods just specific for those rooms to control the rif raff.

    I hope something will be done before we loose more great members.
  2. Rob1026

    Rob1026 Regular member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    i think they should stay! i really never post in them i just read them to get a lil info every now and then!
  3. DamonDash

    DamonDash Guest

    There is no need to close them the mod police them 24/7 plus there are guys in those rooms like me that know how to dodge flame wars.Plus after PS3 come out it will clam down.
  4. borhan9

    borhan9 Active member

    May 25, 2005
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    I dont go in there myslef i have just seen some things in the past and recently that need to be addressed.
  5. rav009

    rav009 Active member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    All of us want them gone, even the oldies who used to be freqeunt posters in there say they want them gone!

    One beatiful day this will happen, untill then keep wishing hard.

    They are putrid, vile and nasty!

    Flaming, bitching, flaming, bitching and more flaming and bitching.

    We need a moderator watching thoose forums intently, Hursty said he'd want to, as far as I know he full fils the criteria for the possition.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2006
  6. hursty

    hursty Active member

    Nov 22, 2004
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    i agree,
    either get rid,or get um sorted.
  7. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    the mods are to go on a blitz thru the console forums so start posting with glee offensive posts & stay out of the flames, ok?!!
  8. face123

    face123 Regular member

    Apr 18, 2006
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    If they were really great member and got banned they most likely are not great members. Only a few and most of them came back with new accounts and so on.
  9. xyqo

    xyqo Regular member

    Dec 28, 2005
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    I post alot in the console forums and let me tell i think more control really is needed. ddp and neph are the mods that you see there most often and they get really fed up. They do alot sometimes too much they should get awarded. The others prob don't even like to touch them and i fully understand why.
    We try to keep things neat but they're always flamers that mess up good convos and end up waisting time, theads and scrolls.
    I'll volunteer to moderate the game forums for a month and see if that house doesn't get cleaned. I know all the trouble makers.
    Anyway moving it to blasteroids would just spoil that nice new site. I like it but not many people post there yet and i hope the scum stays away from it.
  10. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    xyqo, pm us or do offensive posts on those trouble makers.
  11. tycobb

    tycobb Regular member

    May 20, 2006
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    The forums should stay but the crazy kids should go.I would moderate any of them happily.I like xyqo know who the trouble makers are.

    I feel though we already have great mods like neph and ddp though.See we don't need more mods just a way to get rid of the bad kids for good,they just keep signing back up again and again.It's crazy.....

    I think it will die down once the ps3 and wii are released and it becomes a hack fest.
  12. DamonDash

    DamonDash Guest

    If you go in the console room most of the flame starters are newbie's not guys that been around for a while like Tycobb,face123,xyqo,and myself.If they really want to stop this they should Band IP address's its the same guys coming back on another profile.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2007
  13. tycobb

    tycobb Regular member

    May 20, 2006
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    The problem with ip address banning is that people could just use a proxy or some type of Ip scrambler.It also doesn't give great results because innocent people can be affected.

    I don't know what else could be done though.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2006
  14. xyqo

    xyqo Regular member

    Dec 28, 2005
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    I will do ddp. I think you and neph do really well, while still not becoming despots. I would hate to see those forums closed.

    I have an idea but it might be a little radical.

    Since most of the trouble comes from members that keep getting banned the console section could have a post limit per week of about 10 for everyone below member level so that trouble-makers have enough time to show up their true colours without spoiling the forums for everyone.

    Just a thought.
  15. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    don't know about that as drd has final say & has to figure how to in the software
  16. xyqo

    xyqo Regular member

    Dec 28, 2005
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    I know. I'm pretty sure this thread has already come to his attention and he'll make an well informed decision to solve the problems. Hey the site wouldn't be going so long if he couldn't.

    AD lives on and i hope the console threads will live with it.
  17. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    Boorhan and rav make a very good case..
    There is no need for all the abuse that goes on in the console forums.
    90% of the posts are from people who are too lazy and ignorant to do the slightest bit of research.
    When I started messing with consoles a "how do I mod a (insert name of machine) and copy games" was met with a simple "Get to f*** and do some reading you lazy ignorant C***" That was the standard until about 18 months ago when a lot of us who had been treated like that decided to share what we had learned. Unfortunately it hasn't improved matters. Now instead of the slightest respect for years of hard work and learning, we get abused because some kid is too thick to understand the answer.
    That's without even getting on to the subject of the attention seeking little liars who spout something is possible and when asked for proof or some substance to the tall tale get abusive. I quite enjoyed taking a few of them down..but you really can't win with a complete spoiled little liar who is used to having every fallacy out of his (yes, it's always boys) foul middle class mouth (always the machine has been paid for by harassed parents) taken as gospel truth..because we all know that kids never tell lies don't we?
    As for moderating the things..It needs a lot of knowledge to take out the liars while contributing something worthwhile to those who are deserving of some help...
    Speaking personally.. I wouldn't want to take it on. If I had any sort of say I would just get rid of them altogether and have done with it. The only reason they get so much traffic is purely because AD is one of the only sites that allows the discussion of blatant piracy and copyright theft!!
    I can point people to plenty of console sites where the response is like it was 4 years ago..basically.."We took the time and trouble to learn how this works, suggest you F*** off and do the same" Maybe that should become the standard response. And all duplicate threads deleted because I have seen occasions when there have been 10 threads on exactly the same idiotic lazy n00b mistake back to back, with the answer stickied immediately above.
    I'm not just having a flame here.. I admin one of the "best run and moderated console sites there is"..not my words, it's from somebody's sig on team xecuters forums. Maybe there's a lesson for the management of Afterdawn there. Losing skilled and talented members can't be good for the future prospects of AD. I have seen so many pack it in or get banned in the last few weeks it's frightening. I had a look in the console jungle before finding this thread and it was like the terminally stupid leading the totally ignorant..Not only bad advice, but in many cases not even a basic understanding of the subject..

    Conclusion.. There are hundreds if not thousands of console sites..Why spoil Afterdawn with this rubbish..

    Yes I'm still lurking about..but I now contribute nothing because I really can't see the point in helping lazy bastards to learn nothing by spoonfeeding them. Surely the point of tech forums is learning, and getting a few educated opinions on a problem. Then solving it yourself. In 1500 posts I have started 2 threads. One having a laugh about the ps3 and one on something so obscure it never recieved an answer. (Anybody know why Ubuntu doesn't handle i2c modules properly?)
    That's the kind of thing we should be doing..not how to download and burn xbox games.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2006
  18. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    I hope this campaign will clear the air in console forums:


    Sure, we'll end up having probably 20 - 200 people banned, tons of angry people who feel that they've been banned without a solid reason and a huge wave of complain emails to our support. But after few weeks, I hope that the dust settles and the unacceptable b.s. in console forums stops.
  19. borhan9

    borhan9 Active member

    May 25, 2005
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    Thanxs for taking an affermitive action it was really getting to the point it was not worth dealling with the dead beats in there.

    Thanxs again.
  20. rav009

    rav009 Active member

    Nov 14, 2005
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    I've just logged on, the first thing I've seen is this..

    Whoo hoooooo!!!!!:-D

    Thanks for taking action, I couldn't be happier with this, all I need now is for a certain someone by the name of The_F***d to be reinstated and aD will be pretty much perfect in my eyes.
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