ok, i just downloaded videos that i want to watch as a dvd, but i dont have any dvd burning software. im pretty sure that the files i have are in avi. but they show up as Video Clip on my computer. i want to know what i have to do in order to burn these movies onto a blank dvd-r disc. i also want to know if this can be done for free or if i have to pay for it. thanx
Hi pistonfan Right, well there are several ways you can do this, though I will recomend to you my prefered way of converting files to DVD compatible format. AVI will not be recognised my your DVD player, unless it is AVI compatible, if it is all you need to do is burn it straight to DVD. If you do not have a AVI compatible DVD player or are simply just unsure, this method will be really easy for you. Download ConvertXtoDVD (Trial) http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/ Follow this AfterDawn guide on how to convert and burn you file http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/vso_convertxtodvd_guide.cfm If you follow the guide correctly you can convert and burn your file in just a few click's EDIT:It is not free but is the best software for it, if you buy it through AfterDawn you even get 20% discount and have lifetime support and downloads, in my eyes its more than worth it, heres a inferior free way of doing it: http://www.doom9.org/index.html?/mpg/avi2dvdr.htm
i have looked at the websites you have suggested and all i have figured out is that i need to convert my avi files to another type. i still don't know how to get a free burner and burn them onto a dvd-r disc that i can play in my dvd player. i can use any help i can get. thanx
You won't need any other programs with ConvertXtoDVD. Here is a link to it's predecessor, missing a few options but free (if that's what you mean):http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_encoders/vso_divxtodvd_free.cfm
ok, so ive downloaded the software that you said i should download, but when i select the file that i want to convert and it says available disc free 275 mb - required disc free 1.59 gb - increase free space on destination. what do i do now?!!
It's been a couple of years since I used DIVXtoDVD and I had no errors with it but I have seen that message once when my harddisk was low on space and had to be cleaned out or, perhaps, the converted folder won't fit into the folder it will be sent to until you make more space available. That sounds more likely. I would see where the converted file was going to be stored and see what can be deleted or select a different destination. Make sure the file is deleted after it is burned, too. That's how I ran out of space.
I become a little bit pi@@ed when people double post, I have answered this in http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/381133 double posting is not allowed.