Recently when making trying to create ratDVDs from original DVDs I get a "catastrofic error" message as soon as I begin. It happened to a couple of frinds of mine recently too and I tried with a DVD that I used before without problems, but it wouldn't work either.. has any of you guys experienced the same? Looked around to solve the problem but there seems to be no real help around... Is it possible that somehow ratDVD just doesn't work anymore?? Could they have slipped some way to block it into our PCs? I mean, especially after the new fluxDVD thing around. The strange thing is that it happens all of a sudden on many peoples computers - I didn't change any hardware or nothing. If it just doesn't work, is there a similar way to make perfect quality backups of DVDs including menus, extras and all that with the same fantastic reduction of size as in ratDVD?? Heard of something called "matroska" but I don't know if it's good or not..??
Wish I could help you. I have same problem. Looked at this forum BECAUSE of this problem. Just installed ratDVD, and receive this error on every use. I DO get a memory access violation error on every start up. Catastrophic error occurs on every file load attempt whether a ratDVD file or a DVD IFO. Also cannot view any ratDVD file with Win Media. Had V 10 installed. Removed and reinstalled. No change. Removed ratDVD and reinstalled no change. Installed WM v11, no change. Removed ratDVD and reinstalled (again) no change. Another suspicious problem is with WM 11, if I attempt to activate ratBURN plug-in, it terminates WM I would like to use this SW, but as it is now, I am Dead-in-the-water. ratDVD has never worked for me and only version I can find is the current one 0.78.1444
Found it, SW conflict. I suspect you also have a SW conflict. The author, so far as I can determine, DID NOT scuttle this version prior to moving on. Find a computer with nothing but manufacturer supplied video SW and try it again (or remove "everything not original video" from your system. My conflict seems to have been a trial install of AnyDVD. In any case, with a vanilla system the current version of ratDVD works like a champ (or at least a contender, it seems to convert back to DVD, all I have tried) but only at about 1/2 play speed.
Hi, this is mainly for "uffest". You can use Windows Movie Maker, DVD2AVI and VFAPIConvEN. You can google for these programs and instructions. And if the source is of a good quality you will have a file just the same size as the .ratDVD file. P.S. There is one problem that you will not have menus, etc like in a .ratDVD file. I have not been able to find out if you could do this with Windows Movie Maker because simply I don't care about the menus when I play these WMV files, which by the way you can play them with many players.
Thanks for the recommendations... but I will stick to using RatDVD so far.. maybe try it on a "clean" new laptop to see if I errors are limited to my old computer...
Is there any OTHER program that can interpret .ratdvd files. I have had the same error problem on one computer so I installed ratdvd on ANOTHER one of my computers with the same damn problem. What program conflict are you referring to?
ivymike, I discovered for instance that PowerDVD will cause Windows Media Player and Nero Show Time not to play .ratDVD files. Zoom Player, Windows Media Player 6.4 (not the one that came with windows) will paly these files. Also if you go to the site where RatDVD can be downloaded you will find several other programs. Also my suggestion was if you have enough room in your HD to install a fresh copy of Windows XP no extra programs just ratDVD and you will find that Windows Media Player plays them without any problems. And this will tell you that there is a program or 2 in your current setup causing a conflict. Since I don't know what programs you have installed it would be difficult to tell if some other porgram besides the 2 above mentioned are causing you troubles.
I just got a new laptop and RatDVD has worked perfectly on it with no errors... I guess the lesson is, the more programs you have installed, the more likely it is that one of them will cause RatDVD to fail.
hi guys i need help just downloaded a rat dvd file and downloaded the newest version of rat dvd but when i start the program it doesnt start and gives me the following error: OS: Windows XP Professional, SP2 CPU: AuthenticAMD, AMD AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+, MMX @ 2000 MHz Module name: C:\Program Files\ratDVD\XEBEncoder.exe Application data: VmVyc2lvbjogV25OamRrZFZRRmtwSlYwMktUQW1NQ2M1VnlZckJnWlh QQ005T3k5dFpYbDlkVElqSWowbElUVkhjM3B5ZG10OVJEVTZRVTEwY0 hkd2ZHdytYVzFGU1ZWSFIwNUhmZ289DQpJbWFnZUJhc2U6IDAwNDAwM DAwDQotMQ0KQ29kZSA9IFsxMTRdDQotIDIyMQ0KLSAyMDYNCi0gMjA2 DQotIDANCi0gW10NCj4gQzpcUHJvZ3JhbSBGaWxlc1xyYXREVkRcWEV CRW5jb2Rlci5leGUNCg0KcmF0RFZEDQpyYXREVkQNCjAuNy44LjMzMw 0KQ29weXJpZ2h0IKkgMjAwNSByYXREVkQNCjAuNy44LjANCnJhdERWR A0KDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcbnRkbGwuZGxsDQo+IEM6 XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJca2VybmVsMzIuZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdJTkR PV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcdXNlcjMyLmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3 RlbTMyXEdESTMyLmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXGFkd mFwaTMyLmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXFJQQ1JUNC5k bGwNCj4gQzpcV0lORE9XU1xzeXN0ZW0zMlxvbGVhdXQzMi5kbGwNCj4 gQzpcV0lORE9XU1xzeXN0ZW0zMlxtc3ZjcnQuZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdJTk RPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcb2xlMzIuZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzd GVtMzJcdmVyc2lvbi5kbGwNCj4gQzpcV0lORE9XU1xXaW5TeFNceDg2 X01pY3Jvc29mdC5XaW5kb3dzLkNvbW1vbi1Db250cm9sc182NTk1YjY 0MTQ0Y2NmMWRmXzYuMC4yNjAwLjI5ODJfeC13d19hYzNmOWMwM1xjb2 1jdGwzMi5kbGwNCj4gQzpcV0lORE9XU1xzeXN0ZW0zMlxTSExXQVBJL mRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXHNoZWxsMzIuZGxsDQo+ IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcY29tZGxnMzIuZGxsDQo+IEM6XFd JTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcd2lubW0uZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3 lzdGVtMzJcSU1NMzIuRExMDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcd 3NvY2szMi5kbGwNCj4gQzpcV0lORE9XU1xzeXN0ZW0zMlxXUzJfMzIu ZGxsDQo+IEM6XFdJTkRPV1Ncc3lzdGVtMzJcV1MySEVMUC5kbGwNCj4 gQzpcUFJPR1JBfjFcRFZEUkVHfjFcZHZkc3lzLmRsbA0KMjAwNi4xMC 4yNg0KRmVuZ3RhbyBTb2Z0d2FyZSBJbmMuDQpEVkQgUmVnaW9uLUZyZ WUgU3lzdGVtIE1vZHVsZQ0KNSwgOSwgOCwgODUNCkRWRFN5cw0KQ29w eXJpZ2h0IChDKSAyMDAxLTIwMDYgRmVuZ3RhbyBTb2Z0d2FyZSBJbmM uDQpEVkRTeXMuRExMDQo1LCA5LCA4LCA4NQ0KRFZEIFJlZ2lvbi1Gcm VlIC0gV2F0Y2ggYW5kIGNvcHkgQ1NTIGVuY3J5cHRlZCBEVkRzIGZyb 20gYW55IHJlZ2lvbiENCg0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXE1T Q1RGLmRsbA0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXG1zY3RmaW1lLml tZQ0KPiBDOlxXSU5ET1dTXHN5c3RlbTMyXFV4VGhlbWUuZGxs i have 2gb memory windows xp pro sp2 amd 3800 x2 cpu any help would be appreciated. thanks