Nice response. R.I.P, Steve Irwin.. he was a good guy who cared about animals and also a great entertainer..
Was shocked when I heard! Can't believe Steve Irwin is gone... Was a great guy who trully loved wildlife...RIP.
wtf???????What do you mean he's dead it's impossible!!By a stingray! wow that was shocking.It wouldn't have if it were in a car or something but a stingray? Damn man r.i.p. hopefully there some nice gators in heaven to play with.I used to watch the show crocodile hunter when I was younger and he is a good guy.
THE Crocodile Man, Steve Irwin, is dead. He was killed in a freak accident in Cairns, police sources said. It appeared that he was killed by a sting-ray barb that went through his chest, Queensland Police Inspector Russell Rhodes said. He was swimming off the Low Isles at Port Douglas where he had been filming an underwater documentary when it occurred. His American wife Terri learned for the tragedy from police in Tasmania, where she had been trekking in Cradle Mountain National Park. It is understood Mr Irwin was killed instantly. total article here,23739,20349534-952,00.html
atleast he died doing what he loved doing. thats got to count for somehthing. he was definately a good guy, uised to love watching his show when it was still on.
This guy wrestled alligators, had close calls with venomous creatures all the time, then he dies of what is to be considered a usually docile animal ? Unbelievable.
Love life to the fullest while you can ,becuse it will leave you one day. Mmmmmmmm I prefer hiding under my rock tho...mmmm
RIP.. but to be fair.. This kind of fish almost never attacks unless it is being harassed, which Steve Irwin tends to do in his documentary/TV shows. He more or less annoys them really, and films their response. Not saying he deserved to get killed, but it wasn't really a smart thing to do. -Mike
Product Recall-All Steve Irwin suntan cream is to be removed from the shelves. It's claim to protect from harmfull rays is proven to be false. It doesn't take them long, does it ?
more info on Steve Irwin death Irwin pulled stingray barb from his chest Ian Gerard and Tony Koch September 05, 2006 A LIFE-long friend of Steve Irwin today told how the Crocodile Hunter pulled a deadly stingray barb from his own chest before losing consciousness and dying. Friend John Stainton said he had viewed footage of his friend's last moments and the images were "shocking". "It's a very hard thing to watch because you're actually witnessing somebody die ... and it's terrible," he said. "It shows that Steve came over the top of the ray and the tail came up, and spiked him here (in the chest), and he pulled it out and the next minute he's gone. That was it. The cameraman had to shut down." The footage of the fatal attack on the Great Barrier Reef has been handed to Queensland police as fans worldwide come to grips with the "freak" death. Irwin, 44, was killed almost instantly when the stingray stabbed him in the heart with its poisonous 20cm barb as he snorkelled off Port Douglas, in north Queensland, yesterday morning. GO HERE TO READ THE REST OF THE ARTICLE,20867,20355112-601,00.html
I am saddened by this tragic event! Steve Irwin was a great person! I was very suprised to here the cause of this death. I always figured he'd be killed by a crocodile, but I guess we never know how we will die. I hope Animal Planet does a special on his duty to the animal community. Enjoy the after death Steve!
So true this guy played with the sword and it finally caught him.I've been at odd with this guy every since he put his little baby in harms way with a Crocodile.I was not surprize when i heard this yesterday.But he died doing something he loved R.I.P.