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Caution: Venting/Ranting Ahead (Turn Back Now!) [Title: My Current State in Life - Rant]

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by sephin, Jun 25, 2003.

  1. sephin

    sephin Member

    Jun 23, 2003
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    Ok. *breathe deep* I am now the owner of 4 coasters. 1 - Burn .nrg with alcohol 120%. Didnt work. 2 - Burn .nrg with nero. Didnt work. 3 - Convert to .bin and burn with fireburner. Didnt work. 4 - Try .bin/.cue again with Nero and instead of lead-in error I just get another error.

    I own a 550mhz CELERON PIECE OF SHIT! 196mb. Was 64 but I took a 32 in it and a 64mb from my other comp whic his a 667mhz celeron windows ME gutterslut piece of shit. Im sick of having a fusking lame computer and whenever I get some fusking money it goes into some fukin holes and never comes back.

    My school is charging me for not turning in my chem book. Fine I did lose it. Also on the list of charges is math book "missing" and the same motherfucking mathbook "broken binder". Well how the fusk can they charge me for a book I turned in and didnt lose, and even if I did they wouldnt have it to prove I broke the fusking binding. Even if I broke the motherfucking binding, they know it, and I didnt turn it in, I still wouldnt have to pay them because I would be paying for the whole lost book.

    What kind of fusking bullshit is that? That is why I didnt get my report card. Now I know my gheyass slut cunt ho trickass wanky language arts teacher is gonna give me a C. I know I got a B IF SHE ROUNDS, but of course she wont because I was late a lot and I didnt conform to her bullshit excessive restrictions.

    Im gonna get a B in PE. How the fusk does one go about getting a B in PE? I mean seriously it's almost fusking impossible. I miss one track meet. I told the coach I couldnt run and I was sick. He told me to go. I went to time at a swim meet for my chem teacher for extra credit. Track coach goes all anal kicks me off team and now is giving me a motherfucking B. What the hell is that?! I couldnt run anyway. Worst of it is, he is gonna be assistant coach for cross country. Damn his ghey fat ass.

    Damnit. Damnation to all this accursed bullshit I mentioned.

    Only good thing I got going for me is my dreamcast w/ extra is coming from e-bay (i hope) and Im bound to get this marvel vs capcom 2 to burn to a CD.

    fusk. Simply. fusk.
  2. Toiletman

    Toiletman Active member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    Never despair, for if you do, all shall end. The darkness shall close in around you, hindering your sight to the true path. When you get a new comp, get it at Christmas and get an Athlon 64. Xmas is always a time for merry deals

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