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DVD-RB & CCE SP dvd files to big. SOME HELP??

Discussion in 'DVD / BD-Rebuilder forum' started by Dnola3, Sep 17, 2006.

  1. Dnola3

    Dnola3 Member

    Jul 19, 2006
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    I am using dvd-rb and CCE SP (not the trial version) to compress some dvd files which I ripped to my HD to make backups. The dvd files are around 7 gb or so to start with, and I run them through dvd-rb in CCE Mode with normal settings. 394 minutes go by, new DVD Files are created, everybody happy! Just one problem:

    The dvd files are 4496 megabytes, and when I try to burn them to dvd using nero 7 It says my dvd-r will only hold 4489 megabytes.

    So the output files are 7 megabytes to big. Is there any way to fix this within dvd rebuilder? or should I just use burning rom to burn them and enable disc overburning? This is an episodic dvd, but when I put the original files into DVD Shrink it came up as one menu file and one title file. Any reccomendations on how to fix this problem?

    Ideally I would like to have the output file from DVD Rebuilder be 4489 megabytes.

    Thanks for any help.
  2. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Are you choosing to do movie only or Menu plus movie only in DVD Shrink? If so that is why it is only finding 1 title. It is picking the longest title out of all your titles and thinking the rest are extra's. So make sure you are choosing to do a full backup which then all the titles should be imported. I would stick with DVD-RB + CCE anyway if this is a TV Episode disc.

    As to doing it with DVD-RB + CCE you can set the output size for the output DVD by adding a line in the rebuilder.ini file.

    You also need to make sure you do a full backup with DVD-RB and do not use the option to take quiality from extra's. DVD-RB will also choose 1 main title and think the others are EXTRA's.

    You can find the rebuilder.ini file in the DVD-RB programs folder. Right click your mouse and choose to open it with notepad.

    Now you will have a bunch of lines listed under [OPTIONS] You will then add the folowing line below to edit the output size....


    Some might think that is to low but I would rather have it a little smaller rather then burn to the edge of the blank media. I also have noticed that adding the sector size line dosent always ouput the same size DVD. It varies each time I backup a DVD. So I try to leave a little room also incase for some reason DVD-RB dosent output the correct size and might make it a little larger.

    Once you add the TargetSector line save the rebuilder.ini file and on your next DVD-RB run it should output the edited size DVD.

    I hope this has helped out.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2006
  3. Dnola3

    Dnola3 Member

    Jul 19, 2006
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    Get a bottle of whisky for this guy! Man, that fixed the problem! Kudos, Thanks so much, that was perfect! Editing the .ini Many many Thanks!!!
  4. Dnola3

    Dnola3 Member

    Jul 19, 2006
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    Also, Do you have any reccomendations for advanced setting (VBR Bias & Quality Prec) for animated episodic dvds? I know those control smoothness and sharpness, I'm just not sure how they control them.

    Again thanks so much for the help!!!
  5. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    I keep them at the default settings. Below is a thread that talks a little about the diffrence between those settings.


    I am glad the SectorSize worked for you. The Kudos actully need to go to other members. I have had allot of help from L8ter and others so I am just passing along the knowledge.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2006
  6. mord

    mord Regular member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    so its bad to steal quality from the extra's?
  7. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    If your doing an episode DVD. Or a DVD that has more then 1 main title then no you do not want to steal space from the Extra's.

    Lets say you are doing a backup of FRIENDS.

    There are 6 Episodes on 1 DVD. If you choose to steal space from extra's then DVD-RB will choose 1 of those episodes (Uasly the largest file) of friends as the main movie and assume the rest are the Extra's. So the other 5 episodes will be treated as Extra's and DVD-RB will make the quaility less on those epiosdes and put it to the 1 Episode it has choosen as the main movie. So that is why you do not want to steal space when doing that kind of DVD. It will then even out the quaility over the whole DVD if you do not use that option.

    The same should be for a DVD that might have full screen and widescreen or a Movie that might have a theatrical version and an edited version. If you have a DVD like this and want to keep both titles of the movie you would not choose to steal space from the extra's. If you do then DVD-RB will choose 1 of the main movies (fullscreen) and then assume the other main movie (widscreen) is part of the Extra's and it will steal sapce and lower the quaility of the other main title since it thinks it is part of the extra's.

    Now if you are doing a movie with extra's and there is only 1 main title then you can steal space from the Extra's.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2006
  8. mord

    mord Regular member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    ah i get it...thanks for the tip :)

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