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Is lightscribe worth it?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by qwik3r2, Oct 8, 2005.

  1. qwik3r2

    qwik3r2 Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    in response to gwendolin this is not a chatroom, and i didn't know that you were glued to the computer constantly clicking refresh between Oct 29 at 13.53 and 30 October at 19.32 eagerly awaiting my arrival, the next time you have such an urge to explode into conversation how about take it to the GENERAL forum?
  2. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    @qwik3r2 - no-one's out to get at you, we're not the ones protesting about newbie status; in my opinion that's what's stopping this thread getting back on track. no-one here cares about status. i got 'addict' status under my name - so what ?; i'm not an expert on everything and i certainly don't look down on anyone with less than 'addict' status under their name. it's how ppl behave in public forums that's important. why don't you call a truce instead ?. i do have a job, it pays well enough and i got promoted in that job few times from mainly using google and common sense. Also from being feisty too but knowing how far to go with that feistyness. Anyway none of that has jack to do with lightscribe. Maybe you can meet everyone in the middle ie lay off the beef about the 'newbie' under your username cus it isn't an insult to anyone to have that under their name..

    i'll paste what i said before
  3. Gringle

    Gringle Guest

    People who take themselves too seriously are 'Natural born victims' for the dreaded Craic. lol.
  4. qwik3r2

    qwik3r2 Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    creaky: was not refering to you about not having a job, i was rather refering to those who keep they're eyes glued to this thread, waiting for me to respond, tracking when i DO respond and taking it so far as to write up a very non amusing story except to those feeble minded individuals who are obviously evil enough to take joy when a blow is made to someone else. I could careless about this honestly, i have alwasy been one to respond, fight back etc, and as i posted above, i did say i wanted to END this and just get back on topic. I really don't want this thread to be looked up by someone seeking relevant lightscribe info and come across a bunch if idiots babbling back and forth which is what this thread mostly consists of now. If everyone else can stop taking hits at me and acting like its they're first time behind the wheel of one of these things than i'd be more than happy to drop it, stop arguing and get back on track. Peace
  5. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    cool it down,and lets get along together,this thread is a very informative,i do not want to see this thread get killed.

    Is lightscribe worth it? i say yes. best lightscribe i ever used.
    ye should see the pixs i print om me dvd's.
  6. tashacat

    tashacat Regular member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    gwendolin, I really appreciate the information that you gave to me and that it was possible to write directly to a CD without Lightscribe or other burners by using a Canon Pixma 4000 printer. I think it is on topic to compare other CD/DVD writers along with Lightscribe. That is the purpose of these chat rooms, to gain information and knowledge.
    Three cheers for gwendolin!!!
  7. Gringle

    Gringle Guest

    The Craic goes on! ,and, as Donlevy said."More crazy than, cruel!" "someone could end up spinning around his tool."
  8. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    I invite you to take a trip around the wide-warped world of qwik3r2.

    Writing you what I thought was a comprehensive answer to your query you posted back, your response brimming with gratitude,

    I post a 1/2 page reply to you and worthless sod that you are, you want to "look at more samples" ? Just where did you think you were that I would stop my life and spend hours providing you with untold sample screenshots of endless samples of DVD discs like I was hawking pots and pans.


    I should have been a bit pissed - being rudely "DISMISSED" by an childish, not to mention an immature Newbie - But I made allowances for this Newbie. Perhaps Mommy didn't bring him up to interact with pple in public ?

    and then, Aaaahhh, no dozing qwik3r2, you need to wake up. as they said on an old TV show of my youth, "This is your Life", These qwik3r2, are your Posts:

    Actually, I can say ego, (ya plankton-eating bottom dweller) You have too much of an inflated one. Inflated, I'll wager, with your own hot air and your full of yourself attitude. I'm old enough to be your Grandfather.


    It seems you need a lecture from someone about getting along with others. Have you ever heard the words, Psychological counseling ?
    It seems that you somehow believe you can control we anonymous entities, to do your bidding and bend to your will. We deserve respect because we tolerate ingrates such as your own self inflated self.

    Golly Gee Mr. Bill, me thinks that I'm being dismissed by "God" yet again ~ He almost felt GOOD that time. (Please take your nose out of my butt next time, people will begin to talk, (You little "brown-nosed" devil :) ~

    Do you believe that EVERYONE is out to “Get” you ? (Huuummmm)
    I was going to begin counting how many "Me's" and "I's" he has inundated us with BUT, he's soooo full of himself, he would take it as a compliment that he mentioned himself so much. (Gee Mr Bill, he's so manly, My goat Marmaduke has got the "Hots" for him.

    Ooohhh no, Say it isn't so Mr Bill, Junior G-God is upset again. Will the world as we know it end ? Will all Seniors, Addits and Mods be sent to their room because they displeased qwik3r2. I'm thinking he's calling me an idiot. What did I say to deserve that. Because I posted and talked to other pple ?

    What a low life, begining the topic of CD covers but not allowing anyone else to talk about them ? Then, not to be out-done by his-own-silly-self he is now telling senior members to take it to a PM, God have you got balls (Naaah, they look more like little tiny spring peas. Ya need a magnifying glass to sea em' ( Lol) , Then again, if that's all I had, I be mad at the world too :p)

    Hey up there God ~ why not take your double-sided standards elsewhere OR have you forgotten (Presenting a drum roll PLEASE)

    and in reponse to a conversation you had with tashacat (Who you forgot to yell at him for not taking it to a PM) about ink for your CD cover printer you wrote, (also not in a PM)

    Then the winner of all time. When our friendly, does no harm to anyone, ireland drops by and posts some information about LightScribe, of all things and your response ?
    Look at that, telling a contributing Mod to stay on topic ? Do you ever touch down on this planet ? It's like the Mall is open but nobody's shopping.

    I find it mind-numbing that you can speak of CD printers, the quality of your recently purchased printer and even how it prints photos (where do photos come into play in a thread about LightScribe) and Ooohh yes, Ink refills and their costs BUT a MOD cannot post to the subject ? Speak to me about defective synaps.

    When we thought you couldn't get more ridicules you "popped up" with this one ~

    Hey you, Dumbo with the peas ~ This IS A CHATROOM with subject matter. You are too far over the top. This isn't your forum, this is our forum and we won't tolorate you laying down your very own, just for you, made up rules. If we wish to banter back and forth you will sit there and be quiet, PERIOD ! We've been here for years and no wet-nosed, God-complexed, mentally challanged, I, of the super race attitude is needed from you !

    If you wish to act as a control agent, start your own forum. aD is ours !

    I will tell you what sir (and I do use that term loosely)- Your attitude and your pompous, superior to all attitude are the problem here. You have the unmitigated gall to call those pple who have posted here, pompous egotistical nerds ? I think not. I for one, am a tolerant old man who has heard enough of your ranting and raving. Yep, the problem isn't elsewhere, it's a your end of the table. I, for one, have had enough of you believing somehow, that this is your domain and that you're a little super Mod, master of all you survey. Learn to rein your hobbyhorses' there young buck with the peas, there are some who will go back to the beginning of this thread and look at your "intelligent" posts. Newbie, you are, in the world of getting along with others. Grow up, wash your mouth out, and apologize to those who you say are ruining your little world because they weren't. Start by apologizing to all those who you felt the need to control. It's not your job and I doubt, with your unbalanced psyche, you'd ever be put in charge of normal people (although employment as a guard in a penal institution would be an excellent choice for someone of your temperament).

    (ScubaPete will be over by the potted palm just taking bets our silly little sod will take offence to that last remark. 5 to 1 odds he won't sea it as a compliment :p)

    You have managed to attack OR offend Moderators, AfterDawn Addict and Senior Members all of which deserve respect for the uncounted years they've put in here trying to be civil to the likes of you. Yes, the word "Addict" is under my name, and that means I've been here long enough to deserve some small amount of respect. You have been here long enough to earn my contempt - and, I would guess, you have the contempt of some other members as well.

    and Finally, PLEASE watch your nose ~
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2005
  9. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    that was very eloquent pete as usual you do a great read.

    Back to the topic at hand i enquired about the actual lightscribe discs (dvd) 3 months ago and was quoted $3 aus.Now 3 maonths later they are half that price.(are there a variety available)

    Light scribe cdr's are here as well and about $!.20 per disc.Has any one got any info on them.
  10. gwendolin

    gwendolin Senior member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    @ScubaPete, this is one post I am definately going to print out, I may even frame it. I was just about to tell him that myself. LOL...CHEERS . Gee I hope all those concerned get to read it, I might even PM them all
  11. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Sorry all, it was edited, I didn't want it to sound as if I were hostile :eek:)

    ~ Please hit refresh ~

    Here's a late addition:

    Silly me, letting one slip right by like that ~

    Hey gwendolin, I guess God didn't want his attention confined to one place, guess he wants you to sing his praises in general forum OR did he just want to order a Senior about again.

    Hey, spring peas, "Sit on 'em !" :D)
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2005
  12. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    me thinks somebody shoved both feet into his mouth with his comments, do you think qwik3r2??? maybe qwik3r2, you should think 1st before before putting mouth, in this case hand for typing, into action!!
  13. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    i'm trying to get this answered.Anybody:

    Back to the topic at hand i enquired about the actual lightscribe discs (dvd) 3 months ago and was quoted $3 aus.Now 3 maonths later they are half that price.(are there a variety available)

    Light scribe cdr's are here as well and about $!.20 per disc.Has any one got any info on them
  14. gwendolin

    gwendolin Senior member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    QUOTE: Can we stay on topic please, I am laughing too much to do so
  15. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    stop laughing "chuckle ckuckle" and answer the question!!!!!
  16. matt72

    matt72 Regular member

    Mar 28, 2005
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    @ andmerr,

    I just got a lacie lightscribe burner and so far I only had the "pleasure" of using verbatim +r media. memorex and HP make lightscribe media as well but that dreaded cmc mag (*%^% :). Not that many media giants have jumped on the technology yet.

    I buy a 3 pak for 10.99. Cdrs run about 15 for a 15 pk. I might add that is US dollars not sure how the price translate.
  17. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    thanks matt, do you have any quality issues with them or are they perfect every time.
  18. matt72

    matt72 Regular member

    Mar 28, 2005
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    Initially the only issue I had was being impatient as they burn images incredibly slow. No hiccups when playing back yet (keeping my fingers crossed)
  19. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    i didnt get a lightscribe as they are resonably new and found that the pixma does enough to satisfy my needs but as the burners and the media are coming down i am reconsidering my status on them
  20. matt72

    matt72 Regular member

    Mar 28, 2005
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    I bought my lacie at the px for $139 which is considerably cheap as it does +/-, dual layer and lightscribe. As far as the media goes as with regular dvds I suspect in about 6 months they will be cost effective.

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