Hi, I have a Panasonic Plasma TV TH42PW7. Just wanted to know if there is a decorder or alternate equipment which can be used to get HDTV. I spoke to a salesman at Panasonic, he said I can't as the megapixels are not enough to play HDTV and he is asking me to buy a new HDTV set. Don't know if he fooling me. Any idea guys, please? Sham.
According to http://audiovisual.kelkoo.co.uk/b/a/ps_11616546/127101.html the max resolution is only 852x480. You appear to be a far cry from HDTV: HDTV is 1280x720 or 1920x1080. However, HDTV is a huge investment, and the TV is only the tip of the iceberg for most people.