I love this device and just bought it but I don't know how to transfer video files onto device although it supports MP4 videos. I have a ton of them but I can't put them on my devices because it says that it isn't supported so do I need to convert to another format- maybe Ipod format?
Hi. You can find the software from Archos site that will do the converting job: http://login.afterdawn.com/activate.cfm?uid=B3E48A846E8FC3F42D048C517CFAC399 There is some help how to do this at: http://reviews.cnet.com/4520-11291_7-6434567-1.html Hope this helps you. I would also like to buy 404 Camdorder. Can you tell how good/ bad videos is that making? When you look at the video from computer screen how bad is it? Sauli