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Totally oblivion person trying to fix a xbox for a friend

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by Asfaril, Oct 16, 2006.

  1. Asfaril

    Asfaril Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    Ok, to give you some backstory. I have modded some Gamecubes for myself and some friends, and kinda got the hand of all that.
    This friend of mine, knowing that I have done this brought me a Xbox that he got from a friend (who upgraded to 360). He tells me "it's got some problems, perhaps you can fix it", I shrug and tell him sure.

    Before this, I have no xbox experience at all. I don't know any good games for it, I do not know how you put a mod chip in it, if you put in a harddrive, it is has one before. Im blank on everything xbox.

    So, I boot it up and get "Error Code 6". I do some googeling and understand that the harddrive is not locked (?) and that I need to replace it with a ISO, or better yet, hock it up with a working xbox?

    But I can't even find out how to open this thing, much less replace a ISO file. Do I go via the ethernet port?

    Also, it's modded right? Or just Softmodded? This Error Code 6 indicates that its modded, but could it just be a random error caused by something else?
  2. theridges

    theridges Guest

    error 6 does not mean its modded but it might be,unless you have the eeprom then you will need to buy a modchip to fix it...
  3. Asfaril

    Asfaril Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    Ok, I'll have to crack this baby open and look for a modchip then.
  4. Asfaril

    Asfaril Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    Ok, after removing the harddrive and cdrom I see a modchip with some crappy soldering done, as one of the cords is lose.

    The modchip says DUO X2 on one chip and AMD on a another, these are on a small blue card that fits into a slot in the motherboard. One wire goes to the powerbutton, and another is lose. Also there is a little switch on the modchip. For on and off I presume. Anyone know the brand, and perhaps where I can find a soldering guide for it?
  5. xxteakxx

    xxteakxx Regular member

    Jul 20, 2006
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    wait did you say 2 modchips were in the xbox?
  6. theridges

    theridges Guest

    no its the Duox2 modchip but they use AMD chipsets......make sure all cords are secured to the motherboard,and the chip is on.....
    also does the xbox boot anygames?
    because if it has a chip then you can probably boot AID 3.0 and use config magic to lock the HD back....hold the power button when turning the console on see if it does anything different...
  7. Asfaril

    Asfaril Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    Well, like I said, one of the cords are lose, so I need to resolder it in place. It looks like its the "D0". I have a version 1.0 by the serial number list that I found.
  8. Asfaril

    Asfaril Member

    Jan 25, 2006
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    ah, cord back in place..but now I have a error code 16. *sigh*

    Ok, the clock is gone now, and since its been weeks since this xbox had power in it, and I don't have a friend who has a modded xbox, Im going to have to use a "exsternal flasher" to overcome the missing clock problem.. Whats a exsternal flasher?

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