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Is it possible to overburn a data (not audio) CD?

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by porear, Oct 18, 2006.

  1. porear

    porear Member

    Oct 18, 2006
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    Hello. I have a CDRW drive that supports overburning, and NTI CDMaker 7.5 recognizes and reports that the drive does.

    I have enabled Overburn under the Tool - Options - Overburn tab and set the limit to 90 minutes. I am using 80 minute CDR blanks.

    Whenever I add more than 700MB to my CD data (not audio) project, CDMaker immediately wants to perform disc spanning and use two discs instead of allowing me to overburn on one disc.

    When choosing to Burn, I am asked to confirm I want to write my data to 2 700 MB CDs. If I say Yes, only the first 700MB is written and the second blank disk is then requested. If I say No, the Burn process is canceled.

    When doing the same with more than 700MB of audio data for an audio CD project, I DO have the option of overburning.

    How do I overburn non-audio data, or is this not supported?

  2. porear

    porear Member

    Oct 18, 2006
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    Follow up - data overburning not supported in NTI 7.5 per tech support.

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