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Heres to more problems....

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by stangmang, Oct 20, 2006.

  1. stangmang

    stangmang Member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    I'm the average young guy livin in a little apartment just trying to enjoy my home theater experience...

    So I go to the local wal-mart and best buy, pick up a few new releases and head home to enjoy a night of movies. I pop my first pick into my PS2 which doubles as my dvd player, for some reason it doesn't read the disc. I shrug it off and move on to my next selection. Problems persist. I figure, maybe the PS2 went whacko so I pop in a game quick to test it out, the game works fine. I decide to put in the last movie i watched which was about a year old, it works as well.

    I take my new DVD purchases to my computer and pop them in my DVD drive so I can at least watch them in my room. Yet again, the drive does not recognize the disc.

    After a little research I have discovered the similarities to the discs that will not play on my PS2 and DVD drive on my computer. A little "copy protected" logo on the back of the packaging.

    I can understand why they would want to design such a thing, but what good are these DVDs to me if I cannot play them?

    What measures are being taken to change this? I'm sure I can't be the first person to discover this problem. As a consumer, I would assume I have rights to return the DVDs regardless of non-returnable open item policies.

    Any advice, suggestions, help? I'm a little frustrated about this.

  2. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Get a real dvd player.
    You can get a Magnovox at Wal Mart for under $40 (I think). It will play them. Or if you have a dvd burner on your computer, make copies of the movies, and watch the copies.

    ps2's are meant for playing games. They play dvds, because the games are on dvds. They're not as good as a real dvd player, in most cases.
  3. mackdl

    mackdl Regular member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    You might find this article from Wikipedia interesting, in particular the section on Disc Read Error. Refurbished for $45 US, should be free in my opinion.


    Not sure why the dvds are not playing in your computer?

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