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Matrix Help

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by rnoiz, Jul 11, 2003.

  1. rnoiz

    rnoiz Guest

    I just bought a matrix mod chip and installed it on my x-box. I think i got it to align right but everytime i start my x-box it flashes red for about half a sec the goes green (this is in mode 1).Anyways once i put it in mode 2 it resets 3 times with no video. I looked the problem up and it said that it could be a Bad bios or Bad contact on 1 of the 9 LPC points. Since then i have used multiple bios and cleaned the lpc points. Has anyone had this problem before.

    Xbox V1
    Current Bios Xecuter2 4977
  2. dav.id

    dav.id Member

    Jul 11, 2003
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    this is a very common problem and its probably NOT the bios its going to be that the chip is not making proper contact i held the nine pins firmly down with my thumb and then turned the power on and it worked you will see your bios version under the xbox symbol when u boot it instead of microsoft at least this way you know that it will work once held firmly in place just be careful not to lean or touch any power points on the right of the xbox even when the matrix flashes green it doesnt always mean its correctly in line
  3. pfitz

    pfitz Regular member

    Dec 9, 2002
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    if i may suggest using a colored bios, this way when the xbox boots up, the x will be a different color thereby telling you it is properly aligned. believe it or not, it took me close to 6 hours to align my chip. i stripped the thread and therefore had to jerry rig it. for some reason, my chip did not want to make proper contact so i took a piece of card board, wrapped it in electrical tape, and placed it in the opposite end of the d0 point. this forced the contact on the d0 pin, NEVER had a problem again, and it's been close to a year!

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