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invalid file size

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by ModTech, Jul 15, 2003.

  1. ModTech

    ModTech Guest

    I got the Evox D6 Eject Fix blue from mirc, tried to program Matrix with programer and WinLPC, I got the message: invalid file size. The file is 428 KB. I also tried a file of 220 KB with same result. Any solution?
  2. pong3

    pong3 Guest

    Try a bios that is 256k.
  3. ModTech

    ModTech Guest

    Why 256K? Why not 220K? The Bios has to be exactly 256K?
  4. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    yes, for the matrix chip you'll need a 256k bios. what type of file is the one you have? are you sure it isn't packed with a bunch of nfo's or something? it should be a bin file exactly 256k. if you come on our IRC channel, i can send you the bios you want. or PM me with an email addy and i can send it.
  5. ModTech

    ModTech Guest

    Thanks, I am going on mirc to check for that file.
  6. ModTech

    ModTech Guest

    I cannot found it, it is under what?
  7. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    ok, mIRC is just a client that allows you to get on IRC. in the status window type this - /server rod.liquidirc.com
    then after it connects type /join #ad_buddies and you'll be in our channel

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