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Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by Brettsky, Jul 20, 2003.

  1. Brettsky

    Brettsky Guest

    I need everyone's help. I am very new to this XBOX thing i have one, and i kno how to use it, but i want to learn more.
    I want to do a few things with my XBOX but dont kno how to do it. I would like to be able to save entire games onto my XBOX so i do not need the disk to play them. I would like to have another harddrive(preferrably external) for those games to be loaded onto that can be just be switched by a button. I have plenty of money for these things but i dont know wat i need. So, can you please tell me if i can do it, what i would need to do it, maybe the price, and maybe a resource for help putting it together.

  2. Zero-X

    Zero-X Guest

    Look i'm new to the stuff too but i did research and read alot of pages and pages about Xbox mods. Before i started moding my Xbox. First you'll need a Xbox of course. Then you or have someone you pay to install a mod chip. Then you'll need to flash the chip with bios that will allow u to run applactions. I'm usin Evox bios and i'm running EvoX to back up my games to my HDD. I download slayers V2.1 and it is dummmy prof. It installed Evotion X(newest version) XBMP2.3 and HDDloader 1.1. You use HDDloader 1.1 to back-up games onto the HDD. You need to go out and read lots of tutorial and FAQ's. You need to know what your doing and what your getting your self into. Times i almost hit my Xbox with a hammer ^_^ dummy me.
    Go to Xbox-scene.com i thnik thats a great start for you. Go to the tuttorail section and the frist tutorial under begenniers will help you out alot. Don't mine my spelling like i said dummy me.
  3. seamonkey

    seamonkey Regular member

    Nov 3, 2002
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    check out my signature's links..
    i have a few guides that some believe to be helpful..
    if you have any ?s, post a reply..
  4. Brettsky

    Brettsky Guest


    For ur help i read some tutorials and faqs and i went to ur website seamonkey thanks for the guides if u can help me anymore i would appreciate it but i am good for right now.

    thanks again


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