Just looking for a lightscribe dvd burner and found this; Any good? Recommended, or recommend another one? Thanks for your time.
LiteOn are by fat the best drive to go with for Lightscribe. That drive is one of the latest out, with 18x burning featured. There are lots more good models... Eg.. http://www.novatech.co.uk/novatech/specpage.html?LIT-16++++ I don't know ALL of them, but there are quite a few ;-)
I just recently got the LiteOn 165H6s, which I didn't find in the links you provided, although it might be the same as one of the ones there, just with a different model number. I've never had a dvd burner, or lightscribe, and I've been very happy with it so far, although it's only a few days old. Just a forwarning though, if you use Nero 7, you may have difficulty having it recognize the lightscribe part of your drive, but this forum here has a ton of workarounds to help correct the problem. Now everything works like it's supposed to. Good luck...
Good going Dubu. I heard you got your new drive in another thread, and as Binkie said, you're getting to know your stuff; hopefully you will be able to help people around aD often :-D It's a very good drive you have there, and I beleive that Binkie7 has one herself.
I've had a REALLY REALLY hard time trying to get my computer to see my new Samsung SH-S182 as a Lightscride device, to the point I have taken back my first one and got a re-placement for it same model same problems..burns DVD's great but no lightscribe.
do you have the latest lightscribe driver? Goto the lightscribe website and get the latest system software updatehere for windows. Also, what are you using to do the burning? Nero, roxio, the free lightscribe program, etc..?? I had some trouble at first, too, but I was able to get it going after doing some searching around here....I'll try to help you out as best I can, but I'm by far no expert...
Thanks for the help, funny thing is i went out and got a new HP dvd 940i lightscribe burner and I'm having the same problems the burner isnt seen as a scribe, it come with Nero OEM suite which has Nero 6 on it no luck...