Guys, i have a one question, my xbox is screwed up, goes straight to error screen and i got my hdd zero filled, i did not backup the eeprom thingy!, Solution #1. Get a modchip, solder it, woila! my question is Will i be able to restore my xbox in to original state using HOTSWAP method, even though i did not backed up my EEPROM? Can someone answer me please,
What error are you getting?.. } For these you will need to do this 16-21.. probably. (please note.. There is no support for the eeprom reader now.. I can't be bothered and unicron hasn't been around in months... It works exactly as in the tutorial, make sure you follow it to the letter. It helps to use the external power to the device instead of powering the xbox.)
Hotswap will do the job just fine. Find xboxhdm v1.9 and a set of ms dash files (xbox-tribe) Then follow the instructions included with the program.
thanks a billion, one more question, in hotswap do i still need to find eeprom thingy? using that complicated gadgets and wires etc (Shivers).
No need for error 16. The easiest way to get the drive to unlock is to unplug the dvd drive from the ide cable, when the xbox boots to error 12 the drive will be unlocked.
thanks a billion jan, for sharing your wizdom with me, tonight i will try this out, and i'll let you know. thanks a lot, right now i am downloading that xboxhdm 1.9 tool.
it didn't work buddy, yesterday i tried to format the stock hard dirsk and another new one, didn't workout, stock hard disk said it is locked and other one didn't do anything at all
You can also make a serial cable to read the eeprom off of the Xbox. Then you can lock the new drive with the correct eeprom, or unlock and fix things on the old drive. We had to make one when a friend modded his Xbox and didn't bother backing things up. He had error code 16 also. Now to see how many broken Xboxes we can get our hands on for cheap to fix and give to family and friends.
You can also make a serial cable to read the eeprom off of the Xbox. Then you can lock the new drive with the correct eeprom, or unlock and fix things on the old drive. We had to make one when a friend modded his Xbox and didn't bother backing things up. He had error code 16 also. Now to see how many broken Xboxes we can get our hands on for cheap to fix and give to family and friends. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hadner, how do you make serial cable read the eeprom off the xbox? i am lost friend
Im curious about the serial cable to read the Eeprom too. Is it like the one made by Unicron? Can u post a tut/pics?
Just to come back.. have you tried the hotswap fully, apart from the drive locking/unlocking stuff which you don't need? All you will need is a full set of ms dash files, available from various places, TheReturn has links on his profile page and a R/W cd with xboxhdm1.9 made in the right way. I gave you the hint about unplugging the dvd drive as it worked well for me in the past. You will need to delete the E:\dashboard folder to be sure of a fix, and then just softmod the box again with your exploit game as the save should still be on the drive.
onemore thing janrock, where can i download the softmod for xbox? i got EVOX installer, If it is torrents, which is the good xbox softmodder?
Woops , janrock plz forgive me for my stupidness, Evox Installer is the softmod, what an idiot i am, i will try that method you told me once again today once i get home.
janrok, thanks for all your help, but i just read something in a forum while i was looking for a tutorial about how to make a xboxhdm bootable cd, and it says,i need xbox Eeprom which i don't have
onemore stupid question janrocks, Can i really zerofill without unlocking the hdd with EEproms code? coz i don't think i have Zerofilled it