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Buying an HDTV very soon.. advice wanted!

Discussion in 'HDTV discussion' started by PunisherX, Dec 13, 2006.

  1. PunisherX

    PunisherX Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    My bare-minimum is 50" 1080p, and HDTV. I don't want HD Ready or anything like that... I already have the Wii, PS³ and 360, so I just want to be able to plug those babies right in and receive maximum quality off the bat if possible. I plan on this TV being the only TV I'll own for the next 10-20ish years.

    That being said, I plan on heading out this weekend to the major chains with pen and pad in hand to find the best deals available.

    I've been tempted with the Wal-Mart stuff, but it appears mostly everything is 720p? ppffft. What's the point? Also, I've noticed it's usually not clearly labeled on the stickers about what the resolution actually is.. should I be looking for any specific terms on stickers?

    Also.. I really want a flat TV, but I don't want a plasma, as they seem overpriced and I hear they are prone to failure anyhow down the line, with expensive repair costs.

    So is LCD the way to go? I will settle for rear projection if it's not OVERLY bulky..

    Been saving for awhile, so this is it for me. Any responses or advice are highly appreciated. :) Thanks.
  2. eatsushi

    eatsushi Regular member

    May 7, 2006
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    The 52 inch Sony Bravia 1080p LCD:


    3 HDMI Inputs and 2 Component Inputs - more than enough for your gear.

    Drool-worthy and very sexy.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2006
  3. ChiknLitl

    ChiknLitl Regular member

    Oct 25, 2005
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    If you think plasma is expensive, a >50" LCD @1080p is going to knock your socks off! LOL! Someone is probably going to bring this up, so I guess I will. What is your budget? If you are not completely sold on a flet panel, the Sony SXRD LCoS (A2000, XBR2) sets are exellent. Some of us think they have a pic as good as, or better than, some of the plasma/LCD sets. Many of us use our sets for gaming, lots of inputs, great pic, fast response time (<2.5ms), good price (usually on sale somewhere). They come in sizes from 50" (<$2000) to 70" (<$5500). If it's a no go, I'll try to come up with other suggestions. Here is a thread going about these sets and a link to Sony.

  4. PunisherX

    PunisherX Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Ah, knew I forgot something! I definitely DO NOT want to go over $2K.

    So Sony is the way to go then? LCD?
  5. ChiknLitl

    ChiknLitl Regular member

    Oct 25, 2005
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    If your budget is 2K, you are not going to find a 50", 1080p, LCD flat panel set. Sorry, I didn't mention this specifically: the SXRD sets are rear projection (not flat panel). They are, in the opinion of myself and several others in this forum, the best sets for the money. You should be able to find an SXRD 50A2000 (50"), (maybe even a 55" for slightly more) for around 2k or less. It accepts and displays full 1080p, has multiple inputs for games and such, and , like I mentioned before, has a great picture. Check the link in my previous post. If you are inclined, I advocate (I've said this before, lol) checking sets out in local stores and buying online at reputable merchants, such as Amazon.com or crutchfield.com. The reason being that often you will get free shipping and NO TAX. Which can save hundreds of $$.

    UPDATE: We all hate to see the price come down on these sets because most of us spent much more on them. I just checked prices: 50A2000 $1749.98 w/ freeshipping @ amazon, $1929.00 for the 55" w/ free shipping, and the 60 incher (UUGGHH!! S.O.B.!!) $2199.00 w/ free shipping and NO TAX!
  6. PunisherX

    PunisherX Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    So this one is an HDTV out of the box? I can just phone the cable Co. and change my plan and I'm set?

    Am I going to find anything better at the chains, or is Amzon the way to go? Will they deliver to my door?

    Another question.... which is the best (& cheapest) up-converting DVD player? Will my 360 automatically upconvert on it's own, or should I have an upconverting DVD player for my standard DVDs, use my PS3 for Blu Ray, and jump on the 360 HD DVD Player for those when the price drops?

    You rock for all the input. Thanks!
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2006
  7. ChiknLitl

    ChiknLitl Regular member

    Oct 25, 2005
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    You can check at the chain stores, do some google searching, I doubt they will have better prices. Also remember...No TAX! On 2 grand that could be up to a couple hundred bucks. They will deliver right to your door, free. As for the cable, usually they will have you come in and pick up a new cable box. Depending on your current plan there is usually no charge, just the extra/month for the HD channels. The increase in my plan was only $5. There are several upconverting DVD players out there for less than $100. The best going so far is about $230.


    If you plan on going with an HD player, i've heard they do a great job at upconverting. I'm not sure if the HD add-on for the 360 upconverts right now. That should be fairly easy to check. I don't think the PS3 has the capability yet, although that could come with a firmware upgrade.
  8. PunisherX

    PunisherX Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Thx, Chikn! :)

    I have another question, too..

    My Uncle wants a FLAT SCREEN 40" TV (not HD, just a nice simple big flat screen TV, min 40") theonly requirement that it can be wall mountable, and that it's black.

    Anybody have any info on good deals for something like that? Anything on AMAZON at the moment that I can get for cheap when I order the big HD monster?

    Thanks again. These forums pwn.
  9. PunisherX

    PunisherX Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    Anybody? :)

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