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Just got my xbox

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by Orgazmo13, Dec 14, 2006.

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  1. Orgazmo13

    Orgazmo13 Guest

    Im very new to the world of xbox and would liek to know the capabilities of this system. Ive heard rumors of "modding" it and being able to run roms on it and even a killer instinct arcade rom. Can someone enlighten this newbie to the ways of the Xbox? I wanna knwo everything.
  2. KC36330

    KC36330 Regular member

    Dec 9, 2005
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    EVERYTHING you'd ever wanna know is right at your fingertips, use the search button or just scroll through the thousands of posts here already to find out everything you'd ever wanna know about a box.

  3. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    a few search clues to start you off.

    auto installer
    slayer 2.6 or slayer 2.7 or AID 3.0 or even SID 3.0
    modchip or mod chip
  4. Orgazmo13

    Orgazmo13 Guest

    first poster-i would have done a search but have no idea what to do a search for. i did xbox hacking and came up with nothing so thats why i posted. basically i was looking for a summary of what can be done but i guess thats way to much to ask.

    2nd poster-thanks but not what im looking for. Most posts by other people are random crap that dont say much, i was hoping someone could wrap all that up in one reply for me so i wouldnt have to read for 3 hours in other peoples posts.
  5. KC36330

    KC36330 Regular member

    Dec 9, 2005
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    you're to lazy to read for 3 hours but you expect a one post tells all??? get real, it would take 3 hours for someone to just type out the highlights of what you can do with an XBOX.

    we can't help those who won't help themselves, if YOU don't know what you're looking for how in hell do you expect us to know??

  6. Orgazmo13

    Orgazmo13 Guest

    cause you have been around this scene for much longer than me and know what the xbox can do, i dont.

    It would have taken 5 minutes to type, it runs emulators, and this and this. look for this to run linux or action replay to run this. It wouldnt have been that hard. this board is exactly like every other GD board on the internet, you Edited by moderator sit on your high Edited by moderator tower to Edited by moderator about newbies all day who ask "noob" questions when thats what the site is for. To answer questions.
    Screw it, mod this topic and delete my acocunt. Ill play roms on my pc. screw xbox.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2006
  7. KC36330

    KC36330 Regular member

    Dec 9, 2005
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    well Edited by moderator you asked for EVERYTHING a box can do and it can do allot more then run emulators and Linux and an action replay is only for game saves on a box, and to even break the ice on it would take hours to type out not a mer 5 min. on the other hand in 5 min you could of typed a more inquisitive question such as 'how do i get an XBOX to play roms' and then us Edited by moderator way up on our high effin towers would of been more then happy to tell you or direct you to a link like we do the other gazillion noobs who ask the same question. but we arent mind readers and can only answer what is asked. you want everything? everything includes all that BS you sir are Edited by moderator about reading. Again, we can't help those who won't help themselves.

    have a great and wonderful weekend
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2006
  8. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    ouch KC :)
    But he is correct. A modded Xbox can do so much. I will give you
    a very brief summary of some of them.
    Run emulators and roms
    Play back up games
    Stream music and movies from PC to Xbox so you can have files on the computer and play them on your TV with surround sound
    you can transfer (FTP) files form PC to Xbox and back
    play games online through free systems like Xlink Kai or XBconnect
    You can copy games with DVD2Xbox from your drive to your hard drive
    You can swap the crappy 8GB stock drive out for a larger one (chipped xbox this is easy, softmodded is a bit harder)

    Just to name a few. It turns your boring little game machine into a powerful multimedia and gaming machine.
  9. Oner

    Oner Moderator Staff Member

    Dec 8, 2002
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    KC although he might have started cursing, you too have to take some responsibility for your attitude. I was going to ban you for 2 days but a warning should suffice, I hope. Please be nicer to new comers to aD as that is why we are here.
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