I have an NTSC DOL-001 Gamecube I just modded with the Qoob Pro chip. The chip says it supports NTSC and PAL both. But everytime I try to put a PAL game in the screen is all jumpy because of it being PAL. I am running Qoob Pro bios 1.3a and have 1.3c on there. Is there another BIOS that will force whatever resolution is needed by game that will run on the Qoob Pro? And if so, where can I find it? Hopefully can find a quick answer to this. Thanks, Flandrel
Nah. Not working. Even with Force PAL or auto-detect. It was worth a shot though. Only if there was some way to convert Gamecube PAL games to NTSC then that would be AWESOME. Thanks for the help yet again. Flandrel