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couple of questions

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by murderock, Aug 2, 2003.

  1. murderock

    murderock Guest

    aspi layer in clonyxxl what do you need it for?

    if the protection is securom *NEW or securom *NEW (v4.x) do you burn the same way?(on alchol 120%).
    1.) make image
    2.)patching bwa to Alcoholer 4x\TwinCreator
    3.)image burning-patched.ccd

    what do you do differently if the protection is safedidc or safedisc2?

  2. murderock

    murderock Guest

    one more question

    if you scan the cd to see what protection it has and it comes up as 'unknown protection'

    how can i find out what protection it has on it?
  3. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    I honestly don't know...

    A) No
    For SecuROM *NEW (v.4.x) you enable DPM to create a mdf file m8. For SecuROM *NEW you don't need a mdf file.

    Well a "1 sheep burner" can easily defeat Safedisc 1.x. Safedisc 2.51 is where the trouble really starts and can cause major headaches if you don't own a "2 sheep burner" liike LiteOn, Asus, Memorex MAXX, Polaroid BurnMAX, BTC..

    Very good question and there's no solid rock solution (or answer). When I get this result, I read the image with sub-q channel audio\data and burn RAW DAW(+96). This method has yet to fail me burning "unknown protection". RAW DAO+96 is the absolute best write method there is. In order to burn this method, your burner must have the abilty to read sub-q channel audio\data.

    Shoey :)

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2003

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