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Missing Files in CD R

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by inoitu, Aug 2, 2003.

  1. inoitu

    inoitu Member

    Aug 2, 2003
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    Have looked in previous threads but dont seem to have a similar probelm, on the other hand I might have missed, very sorry if latter happened. I have a CDR already burned(burnt?) that was accessed a few times. Now there doesnt seem to have any files at all! In "properties" it's recorded as "used". Is it possible somehow to be erased or deleted on CDR? Read somewhere,quite a while ago, that files can be "hidden" but forgot how to read them again.
    Could someone help me regain those files again?
  2. PlusOne

    PlusOne Member

    May 22, 2003
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    That is a problem, if not rare, with CDRs... however there is no one solution that always works that I know of. A couple things to try:

    -- Clean the disk really well.
    -- Try a different CD drive in your computer or another computer. Often other computers can read these disks.
    -- If you have no finalized the disk, try writing a small file to the disk (i.e. a 1 kb text file) to reset the file tables. This works a lot of times for me.
    -- Try a comercial data recovery program; many have free trials to see if the program is going to work.

    Hope this helps. Good Luck.
  3. inoitu

    inoitu Member

    Aug 2, 2003
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    thnx for the reply, cleaned with wetting agent under running water, tried on other puters still no go. Havent tried writing the small file since "used" the whole space. Will not stop trying though.

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