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Softmod Dilemma

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by roadtrash, Jan 2, 2007.

  1. roadtrash

    roadtrash Guest

    I know this question has been asked many times, bet here goes. I have a friends 1.0 xbox that had a softmod go bad. It frags no matter what I do. It goes to the dreaded chinese writing screen of death. I also have a 1.6 hard mod with a Xenium chip. It has ftp and workes good. Also in my arsenal is a version unknown xbox with all factry settings. Is there anyway I can get my friends xbox back to factory settings. I am fairly familier with modding thanks to this site and hours of reading.

    What is the best way to go about this. I have no idea if they backed up anything before they fragged it. Any help would be greatly appriciated

    it will not boot to MS or AID. I don't know if the eeprom was backed up. I'm not the one that attempted the softmod. Do I have any choice besides hard chipping it? Is there a way to see if it was backed up? Can I put this hardrive in my chipped box and see. This is a problem I really don't know how to solve.

    If I have to do a hot swap, is there a tutorial on how to acomplish this? I would really like to be able to fix it for him on the cheap. Is ther anywhere to get a copy of the eeprom as in the usual places.
  2. Nu2Mods

    Nu2Mods Guest

    softmods arent known to frag, fragging is usually caused by solder splashes on the motherboard but as far as i know you can take his hard drive put it in your xbox format it and then make an xbhdm disc with his eeprom.bin and lock it and it should work just fine...
  3. roadtrash

    roadtrash Guest

    fragging might have been the wong term. What it does is, power on, MS emblem, then the chinese death screen. The ligh flashes green and red, then it sais error 16.

    I just got off the phone with him and he thinks he formatted the C partition. he sais he backed up the eeprom to E. So the eeprom should still be there. What if he's mistaken and he formatted the E partition? Would the eeprom still be in tact.

    Whatever the case. the HDD has to come out. So I'll get to work on that. Could you please give me a more detailed solution of what to do next. I would love to get this fixed for him. He's gonna owe me bigtime. Seriously, I enjoy trying to fix things like this. It makes it alot eisier with you guy's help

    thanks for reading

    *looks for torx wrench*

  4. roadtrash

    roadtrash Guest

    where do I locate the eeprom.bin on his HDD

    Will it be in the E partition

    Can I put this HDD on my chipped box and unlock it, then edit it

    If I formate the drive wont the eeprom be gone

    The last thing I want to do is mess up my chipped box. Is there any precations I need to take

    I'm gonna read some more and prob try it tomorrow night

  5. zooom1834

    zooom1834 Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    you're supposed to do somethin with the drive ill search
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2007
  6. zooom1834

    zooom1834 Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    go here and read on error 16 read the whole thing it tells you how to fix it.
  7. DeadRain

    DeadRain Regular member

    Nov 21, 2006
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    I'm sorry, thats for hardmods^^^ read more

    the error 16 is caused by somehow your M$ Dash got screwed and now your xbox cant find it to set the clock, you can hotswap and put another M$ Dash under the C:/ drive
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2007

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