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SAM File inside of Linux

Discussion in 'Linux - General discussion' started by iPirate, Jan 8, 2007.

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  1. iPirate

    iPirate Regular member

    Mar 23, 2006
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    Hello, I need to find the SAM file inside of Linux. Anyone know where it is?
  2. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    What are you talking about? Please explain.
  3. iPirate

    iPirate Regular member

    Mar 23, 2006
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    i need to find the windows SAM file thats located in System32/config but I cannot seem to locate it in linux. Im not being rude but please help if you know what a SAM file is.
  4. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    Linxu doesn't have SAM files.
    Why do you need them anyway ?
  5. iPirate

    iPirate Regular member

    Mar 23, 2006
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    man, i need linux to boot from cd. which i need to find the Windows SAM file that I can dump and recover the password. KNow how?
  6. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    So, you're trying to crack a SAM file ?
    Then i need some more info on who's computer this is, and what the problem is, because i'm not just going to tell you how to do that.
  7. iPirate

    iPirate Regular member

    Mar 23, 2006
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    fiend. I know how and what to use and do. Simple. OphCrack 2.0 LiveCD. I just would like to know how to locate the SAM file inside a linux distro for my friends computer that he lent out for use to another partner. He used his own password and user name and he didnt tell anyone. He does not want to reinstall as the info on the machine is business matters for the company and he was either fired or he quit. Is that enough? I just need to know how to locate the SAM file inside Linux. Thats all.

    and it is called password recovery!

    I am sorry if I can around rude but your accusing me of something I am not doing.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2007
  8. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    You seem to be going about this in the wrong way. It's easier to put the drive in a usb box and connect it to a machine where you have admin access.

    Otherwise google around for mounting a NTFS drive under linux. Then navigate to where the file lives..
  9. iPirate

    iPirate Regular member

    Mar 23, 2006
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    see there, all i needed was some simple advice. thank you.
  10. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    Again, linux DOES NOT HAVE SAM files, it works with a whole different password hashing/shadowing system than windows, so your search will be futile.
    Linux password cracking is far more complicated than that.
    As for accusing you, i was only doing that because your post was confusing me.
    Since windows, and ONLY windows works with SAM files, the obvious answer would be you trying to crack someone's admin password for dubious reasons.

    Now, to answer your question, you might want to try mounting the system's drive like janrocks suggests, so you can recover the data, or have a try at Knoppix STD.
    OphCrack, being a freeware linux distribution based derivative of l0phtcrack, is meant for windows systems.
  11. whompus

    whompus Active member

    Dec 2, 2002
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    I may be wrong but it sounds to me like you are working on a windows computer but booting from linux cd. If so you could also google for readntfs dos boot disk. Use it and use the old copy command.
  12. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    I'm still wary of how deep we should get into this.. It's password breaking and/or gaining access where it is denied. We need to be careful as this info can be used for very illegal purposes. I know this type of discussion is against the rules, but can't remember precisely which one.
  13. herbsman

    herbsman Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    thread closed
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