Absolute Best Authoring Prog?

Discussion in 'Video to DVD' started by georgeluv, Jan 15, 2007.

  1. georgeluv

    georgeluv Regular member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    ok iv been making dvds for a few years and i wanna take it to the next level, whats the absolute best authoring prog thats within consumer budgets (or has working cracks available :) for making menus? im talkign being able to choose what buttons are in the menus, different commentary track options, different language options, different surround sound options, different intros for each menu, motions everything, basically anything able to produce pro-level dvd menus.

    iv been using tmpgenc dvdauthor but it sucks, you cant choose what buttons it has and you cant put intros for the menus. basically iv excused everything tmpgenc dvdauthor can do and im looking for a pro-level upgrade.
  2. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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  3. georgeluv

    georgeluv Regular member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    its silly to think that cracking progs is wrong, but copying dvds isnt. the logic doesnt make sence.

    if this site has places to discuss sat feeds, cracking dvd security measures, p2p tutorials, game system backup and modding tutorials and all that, im pretty sure no one gives a shit about cracking a grossly overpriced program (which is totally legal by the way when done properly, just like most things people are brainwashed to believe are "illegal" like copying dvds and downloading). i have found people openly offering serials and cracks on this site, they are still members to this day, no one gave a shit. if a member offers something, be it information or a prog or crack or WHATEVER its all on that member, not the site.

    plus im already leaning towards the sony vegas and sony architect progs. do you think sony deserves my hard earned $540? remember this is SONY we are talking about... the company found guilty of rootkiting is own customers and also found guilty of knowingly producing and selling ps2s with critical defects! yeh these guys are really on the top of my list of people who i respect and what to give money to.

    Some would say if i dont want to pay 540 or if i dont like sony i should go buy something else, i say that sonys unfair business practices make it near impossible for others to compete so I have very few other options, which is unfair to me the consumer (so ill be unfair to sony by not paying for their stuff). prove me wrong.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2007
  4. Fiji5555

    Fiji5555 Member

    Dec 9, 2005
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    Uhhhhhhhh I don't think you can find any posts on here that openly gave out serials or cracks that are still available. This site has to protect itself from lawsuits and legal problems by not endorsing such behavior you understand? People can suggust programs for you to use and how to use them but how you obtain these programs are left up to you. Surely you know how to go about that part by now weither it be buy purchasing or not but if you don't want your posts deleted or yourself banned then you must follow the rules of this board. Just a friendly suggestion =]
  5. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    This is not a morallity issue...this is a legal issue...I was just trying to keep you out of trouble here..:)
  6. Molder

    Molder Regular member

    Sep 7, 2004
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    If you want total control Sony DVD Architect will give you everything you want and more. Adobe Encore is pretty tidy as well. Search around and use a torrent.

  7. georgeluv

    georgeluv Regular member

    Aug 8, 2006
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    i have defiantly found old posts with links to cracks and whatnot, people saying "pm for serial" and the like. the site is not responsible for what its users post. if you read afterdawns policy, you’ll notice that the site itself cannot provide any information that could be determined to help someone do something illegal, but they dont have to take down posts from users like that (however they do take down the worst of the worst just in case, for legal reasons obviously, usually the ones where people start talking about the latest warez movie releases). thats why most dvd ripping tutorials are in the forums, not the sites how-tos.

    i know im a little more open about my activities, but thats just cause iv grown tired of beating around the bush when im on this site. im not ashamed of what i do, because pretty much everything i do is legal anyway even though most people think cracking and copying are illegal (if you can crack a security measure on a personally owned product without reverse engineering, like what happened with the apple itunes mp3 drm, then its legal, at least in US law). 99.9% of the time when someone is being chastised for mentioning potentially illegal activity its from people WHO ARENT MODERATORS! the mods read every post almost, they know what your saying, if they dont like it youll know pretty fast.
  8. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    georgeluv, edit your posts before i edit you off the site. your choice!!
  9. Lp531

    Lp531 Regular member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    You can lead the horse to water...but you can't make him drink...I tried...
  10. crojasr

    crojasr Member

    Jan 24, 2007
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    There was an excellent software but it is disconinued
    it is called DVD COMPOSER
    you can make a lot of menus, create palylists, create "easter eggs" on the menus, you can add multiple audio and subtitles and the best of all it's incredibly fast. Only last week I downloaded a 2-hr concert and I made my DVD with special features and stuff and I watched it on my TV like 2 hours after I started building it.
    It supports Dolby Digital Audio, PCM Stereo, MPEG audio and other stuff...
    the only issue about this is that it only supports MPEG videos...
    If you're still interested let me know by a PM or something and I could give you the serial or send you the software if you can't find it...it's like 10 mb or less, really cool software ;)
  11. darren_e

    darren_e Guest

    You might want to give DVD-LAB PRO a try. I have read a lot of good things about it but I have not found enough reasons (yet) to shell out that kind of money for it.
    I'm definitely not an expert in this field but it's worth checking out.

  12. latinl3oi

    latinl3oi Member

    Oct 4, 2005
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    G'day georgeluv,

    I agree with darren_e you should try DVD Lab Pro, it's a lot more flexible than TMPGEnc DVD Author as it is not limited by its templates.

    You can:

    choose the buttons in your menus,
    multiple audio tracks,
    multiple subtitle streams,
    motion menus, etc...

    Check it out. ;)
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2007

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