Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by VWKILLER, Jan 27, 2007.


    VWKILLER Member

    Jan 27, 2007
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    On December 22nd I had an interview with Rhino Video Games. When I arrived there I was told that they were too busy, and that they would reschedule. Well, one week later I got tired of waiting and called them myself. I explained my situation and they told me to come in that day. I had my interview and it went great. It was a straight-forward style interview, which I can handle. I wasn't asked stupid-ass questions like"what can you bring to ********?", or my personal favorite "What are some of your opportunities?". I mean, the way I see it, if I am applying for a job in a department store, I don't have many opportunities!!! Anyways, I waited to (possibly) be called back for perhaps a 2nd interview. Another week passes by and OH MY F*CK*NG GOD, RHINO"S HAS BEEN BOUGHT OUT BY GAMESTOP. This particular Rhino's location was actually, seriously hiring, but due to GAMESTOP BUYING THEM OUT, I guess that was shot to hell. I contacted the store several times to see if they were still hiring, can't seem to get an honest answer. I mention to them that I had an interview a few weeks ago, and was told and I quite "DUH' THAT WAS BACK WHEN WE WERE RHINO'S, WE ARE GAMESTOP NOW, SO THE BEST I CAN TELL YOU IS TO COME BACK IN AND FILL OUT ANOTHER APP. Despite the fact that Gamestop now owns them, they are still using (according to my knowledge) the "Rhino" name, but apparently must have scrapped all "Rhino" apps.

    NOW THAT IS BULLS#!T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S. NOW MY QUEST BEGINS AGAIN....................................................
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    moved to correct forum
  3. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @VWKILLER....If it seems like a decent job and you really want to work there, go and fill out another application and jump through their hoops. When I use to hire people, it was always the friendly, likeable and persistent pain in the a$$ that I called back. Most employers are like that. No one likes a jerk but a friendly persistent guy sticks in the memory.
  4. xhardc0re

    xhardc0re Guest

    If i remember correctly, EBgames/GameSpot was going to purchase Rhino Games. If you have no problem working for the $atan of the videogame retail business, go right ahead & pursue that job opportunity. Your immortal soul is at risk, but they it's your future not mine.
  5. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    updates, VWK?

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