Just upgraded to Vista, Decrypter installed fine, but when putting in a DVD, there are severeal different errors. I was wondering if this is a Vista Decrypter problem? I am so used to using Decrypter-->Shrink-->Decrypter to burn. What is the new, easy way to backup my movies? Any info is appreciated.
Can you download and try AnyDVD and then run Decrypter with AD in the background and see if that works. AnyDVD is supposed to be Vista compatible. I ask as I have Vista X64 Home Premium on order and want to know if there are going to be issues with it. I still use Decrypter to rip films to HDD before running through DVD-RB, and also to rip PS2 games when making backups. If there are still issues, I'll have to look at running XP on a virtual drive.
Thanks, I'll give that a try tomorrow night after work and let you know how it goes. Yeah Im currently running Vista 32bit Home Premium. My 64bit copy is on order right now.
hi there, been running dvd decrypter for a while now on vista (32 bit ultimate) without any problems, try running as administrator and also try right clicking the exe file and run in windows xp service pack 2 compatibilty mode, hope that helps, regards
I have the same errors as Cupillac mentioned. I'm running Vista on a Dell XPS M1710 with AnyDVD and at times with Ripit4me if AnyDVD fails. I've simply clicked the OK when the errors appear and let it run its course. So far I've copied Zoom, The Departed, The Quiet and Half Nelson with no glitches in the ISO file. I will admit that the errors popping up are a nuisance though!
I posted this on the other site but wanted to mention it here as well..someone somewhere had told me to disable the user control on my account. I did that and now decrypter works perfect. I have no idea why this solved my problem but that is the only thing I changed and everything is working fine. No error messages at all.
Forget it I know what you meen now. I had a blond moment... lol Anyway here are the steps if anyone needs to disable the User Control. It does fix the problem & thank you bama5799 1. Launch MSCONFIG by from the Run menu. 2. Click on the Tools tab. Scroll down till you find "Disable UAP" Click on that line. 3. Press the Launch button. 4. A CMD window will open. When the command is done, you can close the window. 5. Close MSCONFIG. You need to reboot the computer for changes to apply.
I'm glad it worked for you. depending on which way your pc is set up you can also disable the user control by going to settings/control panel/user accounts....Now i have a question. I have always chosen the simpliest ways to do things. I do my dvds with decryptr/shrink/ and use dvd santa to burn. The reason I do this is that when I use dvd decryper in iso mode, half of the time my dvd will not play. If I do them in file mode and burn with dvd santa I have no trouble. i would prefer to burn from decrypter. Is there any reason I may be having problems when not burning in file mode, or is one mode better than the other.....better yet is there a better way than dvd santa?...I don't understand the different files well so that Is why I choose these methods
Hey Bama, I'm not clear on why that happens, but what clears it up for me is a fresh boot before you burn a track. Kind of a pain but it has been helping me from making coasters of my discs.
I had exactly the same problem. Here is how you can easily solve the problem: (1) Click Start (2) Click Control Panel (3) Be sure to choose the regular Vista screen, not the "CLASSIC VIEW" (4) Click "PROGRAM" (5) Click on the small subheading "making softwares working in an older window version" (compatibility verification) (6) Follow the steps to choose DVD Decrpter to work in an older environment: window 98, 2000, XP, etc. (7) Once you finish, follow the same procedures to turn softwares that do not work in the vista, e.g. DVD Shrink Good Luck!
diable from the user control account dvd decrypt dvd fab shrink3.2 anydvd all works the only problem is new releases movies does not work with dvd shrink we have tp use dvdfab and then able to use with shrink as a compreeing agent goodluck
Hey guys! My name is Lish and Iam furious with my vista..LOL..I ahve ripitforme and dvd shrink and decrypyter and used it for yrs...now its been installed on my laptop..vista.grr..I can do the entire program..but after I back up my dvd it wont open to decrypter..it does it fine with XP...??? I downloaded the dvd fab to see if it works...but will it open with it? any ideas on wuts wrong and/or how to fix it? hope to hear back! Lish
Hey, I have had no problems using this procedure: HD DVDFABDecrypter <-- decrypt the dvd DVD Shrink <-- Shrink the movie file DVD Decrypter <--To burn the image file. Works fine on Vista and in 64 bit versions!
Just wondering if downloading DVD Decrypter on a computer with Vista can cause the dvd drive to stop working all together. I bought a new computer over the holidays and everything worked fine...a day or two later, the dvd drive stopped working. I returned the computer thinking there must be something wrong with it. I just brought a new computer home tonight and again the dvd drive which initially was working fine has quit. The only thing that I've downloaded is DVD Decrypter...I'm thinking it has to be the cause of my problem. Your thoughts?? Any idea how to re-engage my dvd drive?? At this point, I don't even care if I can use DVD Decryptor...I just want my drive to work properly! Thanks for listening!
Nevermind...I was able to figure it out...color me happy once again. Though now I need to find a dvd ripping program that won't screw with my cd-rom. Thanks for having this place...tis a great place for those of us who are technilogically challenged!