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no sound during playback of burned cd-r

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by hekk, Jul 9, 2002.

  1. hekk

    hekk Guest

    I have an hp cd writer plus and when i burn mp3's onto a disk i get no sound during playback neither on my pc nor my home cd player. Ive never had this problem It always worked fine this has just happened all of a sudden. I checked all volume controls and they seem to be fine. Can anyone help?
  2. A_Klingon

    A_Klingon Moderator Staff Member

    Dec 29, 2001
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    You can't play mp3 data discs in a home cd music player, only music cds, for which it was designed.

    On the PC side, what audio player are you using? Do your mp3s play back from your hard drive before you burn them to cdr? After burning, within your software player, did you choose the complete path to your mp3 file(s) when you chose any particular file to play?


    E.G. D:\Beatles\Abbey Road\Come Together.mp3
    or D:\Beatles\Come Together.mp3
    or D:\Come Together.mp3

    In other words, can your audio player find the files? Is your player capable of doing a search for .mp3 files on all available drives? If so, let it do a search.

    [Straw Grabbing] : Are you using track-at-once when burning your discs, or disc-at-once? If track-at-once, did you finalize the disc after your last burning session?

    -- K.A. --

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