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Beup!! Backup!! What UP??

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by kitty66, Feb 23, 2007.

  1. kitty66

    kitty66 Regular member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    Hi Everyone

    I have my new chips the M3DSS (Slot1) and the M3Lite (Slot2) with the MicroSD. They are so cool, but I am having trouble with Beup 0.3final and my backup proggie.

    The browser/linux works great. Thank you, you know who you are! Opera is so cool. Pink shiny computer...prrrrrr....anyhow. I digress.

    Other homebrew things are running fine. Except...

    Beup keeps hanging up when trying to handshake with MSN dispatch server. Bummer... Also this will only run through the M3Lite (slot 2 minisd device) I did dl and install the .nds file for microSD.

    Also, I can not seem to back up MY OWN GAMES I have the dumper.nds proggie but it hangs when trying to read from slot1 (A as the prog says). I can only get it to run from slot2. I am trying to just back them up...including my sav files!!!...Can we talk about that??????? I am a total computer gal but brand new to gaming and every advance I make is precious! My five year old is better at this than I.

    Thank you in advance for any help you have.

    The DS is sooooo cool...
  2. XbusterZ

    XbusterZ Regular member

    Oct 4, 2006
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    BEUP.nds for the simply, no other files needed [whatever they were...]. i can confirm this one works for the simply, but just keep trying. handshake is a pain... and so is ssl error... eventually, it will connect.

    REIN.nds(or is it rain?) can download gamesaves from original carts (by clicking ds save -> save file). it's put into slot-2 as something.sav. it also has a converter for converting the newly created save to something.dat for the m3lite (m3-save(dat) manager).
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2007
  3. kitty66

    kitty66 Regular member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    Thanks! Ok. I will keep trying on the handshake. So it is a pain and not just me. Good. I thought I had everything going right. I will keep trying. Will also try the link for REIN. Thank you.

    EDIT: Will REIN backup the whole shebang or just the sav's. Do I still need to mess with dumper.nds? I have googled the heck out of it but do not see my error...any ideas? Links to read...anything??? I was hoping for a backup solution for slot one. The dump wants to run only on slot two.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2007
  4. XbusterZ

    XbusterZ Regular member

    Oct 4, 2006
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    your welcome! rein=just the saves. go to http://ds.rom-news.org/ , search and download ur backups (it's clean, don't worry, they're pros). dumper takes too long on sd cards (~20 min. average [cuz of the writing to sd, the reading from game is fine]) after that, you'll probably have to insert/re-insert the original a buncha times, aaaannnndd then.... it MIGHT work... maybe.
    no links to anything not found in first 3 pages of google...
    backup for slot-1 is impossible, or impractical. the ds has 256kb of storage (pretty sure). it would need to put the game there and then give it to the simply. from the same slot... there's the problem. so major swappage would be necessary. also some space would be taken up by the program too... if it existed.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2007
  5. kitty66

    kitty66 Regular member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    OK, cool. Backup in slot 2! No worries. I did get the dump to dump something, but when I run it I get the two white screens of death! And there is an extra .nds file that is ?????.nds on the card. Wierd.

    Also, is there a known issue with the M3Gaming software? I thought I would try to use the file via that and it crashes every time at the point of writing to card.

    AAak. More fiddling to do today with the DS. Thanks I will check out
    the link. It has been weird trying to backup my stuff.

    ^ ^
  6. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Any game you backup using dumper.nds needs to be put through the gamemanager to work on your M3 Lite, or just copied onto your MicroSD card and used on the M3 DS Simply. If the dumped game crashes the gamemanager it would be due to a problem with the game (most likly a bad dump). Dumper.nds works flawlessly on the M3CF, however it is a bit buggy on all the SD versions of the M3, and can requre you to attempt several times before it dumps the game correctly. Dumper.nds does not work on the M3 DS Simply.

    Beup has a few versions available, for enhanced functionality there is a FAT version that requires additional files but also requires drivers for the device to work correctly, and there is a NO-FAT version which is only the .nds file and should work on everything as no device drivers are needed (this is what XbusterZ linked to).
    The handshaking problem is a flaw in he programming which the developer has tried to fix in the latest release, and though it has fixed it for many users (such as me) it still remains with others.
  7. kitty66

    kitty66 Regular member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    Howdy Mr Hanky!

    Thanks for the heads up. I will keep trying to get the dump right. I have other options yes! But I am kinda weird about getting things to work so I may fiddle awhile until I can get the M3Game Mgr to eat the files. BTW I had to use the launcher from MaxMedia as when launched from the M3DSS it hangs on the cart read. Wierd.

    Should I be doing something to launch .nds files from the Lite? (Slot2) So many questions!!!!!!!! Thank you everyone for your help.

    Also is there a REIN guide that you like? Or possible Etool3. I am a little confused about how to save my sav files.

  8. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Homebrew .nds fies must be launched by pressing 'Start' not 'A'
    Some homebrew may require DLDI patching before it will work, if this is the case it should state this in the README.

    I have never actually used REIN so never looked into it, I have hardware alternatives to backup my save files. I may download REIN later to try it.
    I had never heard of Etool3 until you mentioned it, a quick google search shows me it's alot like REIN, so I may also give that a go.
  9. kitty66

    kitty66 Regular member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    I dogpiled' (google, yahoo, msn all in one) nds sav files and the Etool3 program is one that came up. I can get REIN to work, but when I transfer the file back to the M3DSS it corrupts it. It starts as a 512kb file and then goes to 1 when I rename or copy it. I DO have to match the names to my game names yes? The original sav file names are longwinded and code like???

    Let me know what you think of these when you give it a try. I am going to keep plugging away at it.
  10. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Ok, I have just tried REIN on my M3CF and backed up my Polarium gamesave, i created a normal .sav file and copied it to my M3 DS Simply, where as you said it dosn't work. HOWEVER if you then use the M3 Save tool on it (comes on the CD with your M3) to convert the save file to the M3 DS Simply 512KB .sav format it does work :)
  11. kitty66

    kitty66 Regular member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    Coolio! Mr Hanky!

    I will give that a try in an hour or so. Can you believe I have stuff to do when I want to play DS hackalacka! I am going to see if I can sneak it in soon...

    Thanks again. I am so glad you decided to play with this. I have not been able to get the Etool that far. I like REIN better I think. I'll know for sure in a few.

    AH HA! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!! I did it via your method. Very easy. I DO like REIN. Works great. Now I have all my operations back in Trauma Center. Happy girl. Thanks again.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2007
  12. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    No problem, glad it works for you too =)

    I have also tried the Etool3 program, but could not see any way to put the save on my memory card (tried both the .ds.gba and the wifi .nds binaries) so that was a complete failure.

    I also tried running REIN on my M3 DS Simply, as I expected it didn't recognise the device so I lost any ability to save the gamesaves to the SD card, but I still had the basic functionality such as copying the save to the DS' memory etc. I will try later to DLDI patch REIN to work on the Simply, but I doubt it is patchable.
  13. kitty66

    kitty66 Regular member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    I had the same results with Etool on the Lite, could not run it from the Simply. Also, REIN on the M3DSS...It would do it's thing and then not write the file and freeze. It works great from the Lite though...What is the DLDI patch exactly? I keep reading about it but fail to completely understand it's applications. I know it is needed to run some homebrew but I am not sure after that.

    Thanks again!
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2007
  14. mr_hanky

    mr_hanky Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Long and probably confusing answer as i'm typing as i think ¬_¬
    Certain homebrew programs need access to the memory card they are stored on, this could be to access additional files (maps/sounds etc.) or to save files (saves/settings etc.) The main problem when dealing with this is every homebrew device (M3/Supercard/G6...) accesses the memory card differently so programmers used to have to code their programs to do this for one card and do that for another (DSorganise had so much trouble that 3 versions were needed) A fairly new system has been introduced where developers just use a special interface tha allows the code needed to read/write to the memory card to be easily replaced (DLDI) thus allowing devleopers to not worry about compatibility with so many hardware devices. you simply downlod the homebrew and the DLDI patch for you device (in your case the M3 DS or M3 Lite) and patch the program with the drivers needed to access you memory card.

    Short Answer :)
    Ensures that most new homebrew will work on all homebrew devices with a little extra effort.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2007

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