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48kHZ sampling with SVCD on a DVD-R medium

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by DeeTent, Jul 12, 2002.

  1. DeeTent

    DeeTent Guest

    Question for those who have travelled this path before: Why is it necessary to force a sampling rate of 48kHZ and linear PCM when authoring SVCD format with a DVD-R as the medium?

    There is very little literature on the subject but VCDHelp and a single posting here say that it is a requirement. I would think that the standard (ie, SVCD) should be preserved but the medium would be transparent, whether CD-R, HardDrive, or DVD-R.
  2. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    Nope, you're not maintaining it as SVCD when doing this transfer -- it will become 100% DVD-Video, not SVCD anymore. There isn't such a thing as SVCD-on-DVD, just SVCD-changed-to-comply-with-DVD-spex. And DVD specs require 48kHz audio.
  3. DeeTent

    DeeTent Guest


    Isn't DVD-R just a storage medium and nothing more?

    I've read the literature (IfoEdit) and it seems pretty clear that, until the .IFO structure and .VOB files are authored, there is no DVD compliance, hence no DVD.

    Further, I can move the authored SVCD from medium to medium (i.e., hard disk to CD-R) and it plays just fine as SVCD.

    When you say that "it will become a 100% DVD-Video", what do you mean? What is cuing the DVD player to force it to DVD?

  4. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    Sort of true. You can copy SVCDs to DVD-R and play those OK with your _computer_, but it is not valid SVCD, SVCD is _NOT_ medium independent, but meant to be burned on CD and that's it. It plays, sure. But DVD players don't recognize it, because they recognize only formats that are meant for CDs, when CD is inserted and same for DVDs -- therefor, only DVD-Video is played when you insert DVD-R.
  5. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    And what I meant by "100% DVD-Video" is that if you wish to transfer SVCD to DVD-R, you need to make it DVD-Video specs compatible -- need to change the resolution to match one of the DVD-Video's resolutions (720x576, 352x576, 352x288 and some others and their NTSC equivalents) and change the audio to match DVD-Video's requirements (in SVCD's case the audio is in 44.1kHz MP2 which needs to be changed to 48kHz MP2).
  6. DeeTent

    DeeTent Guest

    Thank you Petteri,

    I can see clearly now!!

    I feel compelled to start one other thread relating to "SCVD-DVD". Hope you see it.


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