Well, the price seemed right for a reconditioned Imation CD-RW 4x4x20, but the seller didn't mention that the installation disc didn't come with it... ( Give him credit, he included a copy of the manual, which is better than nothing...) Don't know anyone else who has one, and haven't been able to find it as a download. Where should I go from here?
If it is a regular IDE drive, then it most likely doesn't require any installation disc. I would not buy that slow/old burner for any price BTW. CD drives don't last forever.
...Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time... Thanks. Couple of other folks have told me the same thing, so it's probable that I haven't got the cables quite right yet.
cd-rw is right. If it's an ide, you don't need an installation cd. However, you DO need a program to burn cds. Try nero. To see if your burner is connected right, go into my computer and see if you see 2 cd-roms available. If not, then you got the ide cable not all the way in, or you plugged the floppy in there, lol (I do that sometimes). Make sure your slave/master settings are correct and your power is in too.