Hi. When I burn a Audio CD, the speed is over 12X, i can´t burn a Audio CD in 4X. Can help me? My CD-RW Model: MSI CD-RW MS-8320. And where I can get drivers for this CD-RW.
Many brand name burners are limited to burning speeds. Example, my Polaroid BunMAX is limited to 8x write, but my Memorex 52MAXX I can burn at 4x. You "might" be limited to 12x with your MSI MS-8320 cd burner. Try burnatonce (freebie) and set write speed to 8x and see what happens m8. I'm persuaded the Nero version you're currently using doesn't fully support your MSI MS-8320 burntonce: http://www.burnatonce.com/downloads/ Nero ftp://ftp4.nero.com/Nero551050.exe Nero http://www.afterdawn.com/software/cdr_software/cdr_applications/nero.cfm You mean firmware? http://www.msi.com.tw/program/products/optical_devices/dvs/pro_dvs_detail.php?UID=152 Shoey