I had Nero 5, worked great for burning divx movies onto a 700 MB disk even with files right up to 700 MB. Now with Nero 6 I can't burn files that are too close to 700 MB...like say 695 MB. It says that the file is to big to fit on the medium. Very frustrationg...Especially when XP burner will do it with the same file and disc. So is there any help for me? I love Nero other than that, and that is a new problem to Nero 6 I guess. Thank you.
1. Make sure you have ASPI installed correctly. For more information regarding ASPI see http://cd-rw.org/articles/archive/aspisetup.cfm 2. You may need to enable overburn. File --> Preferences --> Expert Feaures --> Enable Overburn & Set the maximum to like 90minutes 3. Make sure you are compaing with the same media... some discs work better than others
Same thing happened to me when I upgraded Nero to With .42 and prior it always alerted me that it couldn't do a multisession then went ahead to do a full non-multisession CD. I went back to 42. Works fine. My "Enable overburn" pref with 42 is not checked so I don't know if there is some other pref set with 50. 42 works fine for me, some day I'll look harder at 50.
To my knowledge the only changes with was the addition of a few more burners but i could be wrong.
I will try the ASPI thing, but overburn is enabled. I don't understand why there would be an ASPI problem if the widows burning wizard will work. All of the medium is the same because I never buy anything else (just because that's what's at the store) (Memorex).
1. Memorex is not the greatest brand name (in fact they are poo) 2. If I am correct WXP's built in burning feature does not use ASPI so you wouldnt encounter a problemn there
I tried installing the latest ASPI driver, and still have the problem. It won't write at 695 MB but will at 665. Anyway, never had a problem with Memorex. What would make them bad?
Typically their media is unreliable and has a IMO, high potential for errors and corruption.... wait a sec.... you say it wont write at 695... does it FAIL to write or NOT LET you write or does it SAY that it cant and tell you to finalize the cd?
Nero 5 would tell me it would have to be finalized, and work fine. Nero 6 doesn't do that, but when I tell it not to do a multi-session disc, and finalize before I start the burning process, it still says there isn't enough room on the disc. The disc info says there is 703 MB, and I have overburn tuned on for up to 85 minuites (the AVI is less than the time on the disc already). It says there is an overhead of 1 MB, so I figured that 85 min as opposed to 80 min would take care of any space problem. This has me baffled, because I expected Nero 6 to be as at least as good as 5. Sent an email to them...no answer.
Regarding ASPI: I downloaded and installed the Adaptec XP ASPI driver. Great. Didn't hurt or help. Should I install the Nero ASPI driver. I donwloaded "wnaspi32.dll" from somewhere. There was no installer and that doesn't seem right. I am comfortable doing most anything, but know nothing of ASPI, and don't want to mess something up...also don't know where to put the nero ASPI library.
Just found out it will burn to at least 682 MB. By the by, I've tried "track-at-once", "dic-at-once", and "disc-at-once/96". None work...but don't know what they are anyway.
When you install Nero, it automatically installs its own ASPI so you dont need that. Do you still get the same problems with something like CDRWIN or Discjuggler? (I ask because those programs can be set to not warn you about burning too much and will burn as much as it can before crapping out)
I've seen it reported that Nero and the latest version of 6 both have a no overburn bug in them. This information came from: http://www.cdfreaks.com/news/7901 In the meantime, there appears to be a copy of available on: http://download.freenet.de/archiv_n/nero_burning_rom_4263.html
I've never tried CDRWIN or Discjuggler, so I wouldn't know. I really like Nero 6, just need to figure out what I am doing wrong. I'm sure it will be fixed. I mean, I can just shave some of the credits off and get the AVIs down to size. I just can't burn right up to 700 MB. Still, I definately should be able to. I don't remember what build my old Nero 5 was at. Like I said, if I really want the whole file I can use Windows...but that sucks.
Perhaps there is a bug with Nero and the latest Nero 6... I know for a fact Nero 6.000 is perfectly fine as far as overburning as well as Nero as for Nero give me a couple days and I'll have a definitive answer... of course if you want to check for yourself... feel free to and report back
ahead released a patch which should correct the problem with the overburn feature. but link ont heir website looks broken [ftp://ftp6.nero.com/Nero60015Issue5203Patch.exe]. i've found another link at gameguru.box.sk - this one works. for now. ftp://ftp6.nero.com/support_doc/Nero60015Issue5203Patch.exe after patching overburning worx.
Latest Nero 6.0& 5.0 patch should be the fix.. Nero 5203 patch ftp://ftp6.nero.com/support_doc/Nero60015Issue5203Patch.exe Nero 5203 patch: ftp://ftp6.nero.com/support_doc/Nero551050Issue5203Patch.exe Shoey __X_X_X_X_X_[small]Certified Computer Technician http://www.afterdawn.com/general/legal.cfm Mobo: MSI KT4VL-6712 CPU: AthlonXP Barton 2500+ Ram: 512 SD-DDR (PC-2700) nVidia GeForce4 MX440-8x Maxtor ATA\133 80 gig hd DVD-ROM: LiteOn LTD 165H CDRW: Memorex52MAXX 2452[/small]
Thanks, worked great!! I love Ahead. Nero 6 very cool...I guess that when I install my new dvd burner it will start to show me those options?