Wondering if anyone can suggest solutions for the following problem i have ... I have the 3-cd Mafia pc version. I backed up all 3 images via Alcohol 120 onto my hard drive. CD1 is approx. 756MB, CD2 is 791MB, & CD3 796MB. However none of these files seem to fit on a blank CD using alcohol. Obivously these files wont fit onto a 650 disk, which i have been using for all my backuping purposes. I do have some special 800+MB (overburn) discs, but im only familiar to using them with nero. If there any way to compress each Mafia file onto a 650MB disc? Does Alcohol have an overburn option? Can i use alcohol and nero to have a complete 3 cd backup of Mafia, if so, how? Thanxs, JJ
those image files Alcohol created are always about 100mbytes larger.. just try to write it on a 700mb cd-r ... it will work
Obviously switch to 700 mb cd-r(w)'s m8 and use the the Safedisc 2 datatype profile and burn at 8x. Shoey