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Best proggie for backing up DVD???

Discussion in 'Copy DVD to DVDR' started by bbmayo, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. bbmayo

    bbmayo Active member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    OK I know this type of post has been made before but it has been a while and well to be honest a lot of the programs have changed. So just for info purposes and maybe some learning what are your best methods used for backing up your DVD movies? Please provide a little description of why you like one method better than the other. I will start it off. Of course I could have listed many more, but to not get to confusing please limit to your top 5.

    My Overall ranking
    1) Using either AnyDVD or DVDFab Decrypter in conjunction with InterVideo’s DVD Copy 5. This just seems to produce the best quality backup out of all the encoders out there. Of course rebuilder will produce the best copy, but for ease of use and time I would have to go with DVD Copy 5 for the average user.
    2) CloneDVD2 + AnyDVD combo. My main reason I rate this combo number 2 is because of how easy they are to use and they work!
    3) RipIt4Me.. It’s all free and it works do I need to say more?
    4) DVDFab Decrypter + Nero Recode. You can get some very good quality backups with this method.
    5) DVDRebuilder w/CCE. Well for myself I would say this is hands down number 1 because of the quality, but for the average Joe or newbie it might be a little overwhelming and that is the only reason I have it at 5.
  2. LABOY

    LABOY Regular member

    Apr 23, 2003
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    My rankings:

    1. AnyDVD, Shrink, Nero. This is used probably 90% of the time by me. It is basically a seamless operation. I like the edit function of Shrink, its quality settings, and the final output from NERO has been exceptional.

    2. ANYDVD and CLONEDVD2. A great combination especially on the newer releases that Shrink and ANYDVD cannot handle. I also use CloneDVD2 to make backup copies after using favorite #1 above. Its "write existing data" function is great.

    3. RIPit4Me, DVDFabDecrypter, DVDDecryptor and DVD Recode. I have these but seldom use them except when I feel I want to do something different for a change. They take a little longer and the final burn doesn't show any significant difference from using #1 or #2 process above.
  3. 300bowler

    300bowler Regular member

    May 16, 2006
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    My rankings(For full disk backup)

    1. DVDFab+Recode2, my first option always(only if Compression is reasonable)plus ripping time is faster then RI4M

    2. RI4M+Recode2, i really don't use shrink anymore just cuz recode is faster.

    3. DVDFAB+DVD-RB w/CCE this is number 1,if the compression is big,
    best picture quality

    Of course i use VOBblanker with every one.
  4. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I always just do movie only.

    1. AnyDVD>Nero Recode; when it will work with recode.Just too easy with 2 burners. Set it and forget it. 90%
    2. AnyDVD>CloneDVD2 5%
    3. Ripit4me>Decrypter>Shrink or Recode; play with this often 5%
    4. DVDFab.Recode or Shrink; seldom use this way but have in case
    5. AnyDVD>DVD X Copy Xpress, this dinosaur actually will still work on a lot of new discs.
  5. bbmayo

    bbmayo Active member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Have none of you ever tried InterVideo’s DVD Copy 5? I would be surprised if you have and it's not one of your favorite because of the quality produced.
    The method I probably use the most right now is actually DVDFab Decrypter and CloneDVD2, but that is because like garmoon I do only the main movie and usually they don't need any compression. If they require compression though then I use DVD Copy 5 because the results are just a lot better.

    I do like the diversity of everyones picks though and I hope more Newbies read this post to gain a little knowledge :)
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2007
  6. fatstrat

    fatstrat Regular member

    Mar 16, 2005
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    I've become a PGCedit nut for the last month or so.

    1. DvdFab, strip/blank/jump to title menu-Pgcedit, Fixvts, recode2/burn.

    2. AnyDvd/Clonedvd2

    3. Anydvd/DvdDecrypter, recode2

    Last edited: Mar 20, 2007
  7. fatstrat

    fatstrat Regular member

    Mar 16, 2005
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    I have not tried Dvd Copy 5 yet. But since you recommend it, I will give it go!

  8. 300bowler

    300bowler Regular member

    May 16, 2006
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    @ bbmayo,

    a question for ya

    Do u think that InterVideo’s DVD Copy 5 is better than recode2 and shrink? picture quality wise?

    as i have never tried it, but might give it a try out.

    I do like and mainly use intervideo's windvd7 player for playing dvds.

    got another question for ya
    Do u think there would be more replys if this thread was in the advanced forum?
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2007
  9. elizerroj

    elizerroj Regular member

    Jan 9, 2005
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  10. AlBundy

    AlBundy Regular member

    May 1, 2006
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    Here's my personal list:

    1) AnyDvd/CloneDVD combo--just like you said for easy use and fastest I've ever used.

    2) DVDRB/CC transcoder combo--great quality and nothing much more to say.

    3) DVDFab Decrypter and ither DVDShrink or NeroRecode-- again easy to use, I just use them sometimes as a change.
  11. bbmayo

    bbmayo Active member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Well I have been using InterVideos DVD copy for some time now and a lot of the older members here at AD were once using it also, but it isn't talked about much in here anymore and I am not sure why because the difference in quality is remarkable. It really handle's DL disks the best IMO.

    Better than recode2 and Shrink, YES by far. Better than Rebuilder probably not, but it is pretty close and much easier to use. If you are into backing up the whole DVD with extras and crap then I wouldn't use anything else except DVD Copy 5 or Rebuilder.
    I don't know it was kind of a crap shoot on were to post this anyway I was assuming ddp or neph would have already moved it if it didn't belong here ;-) LOL

    To all it won't hurt to give InterVideos DVDCopy 5 a shot as they have a full trial version to try and right now the bsic version (all you need for DVD's) is going for $29 the Platinum version is what I have it will convert your DVD to IPOD, AVI, MPEG, DivX and just about any other format you need is going for $49 right now. Here is the website in case you want to check them out InterVideoDVDCopy/ I am pretty sure most will be impressed with the quality of thier backup. It does have its limits though you only have a few choices like Main movie or full disc there isn't much in the way of re-authoring anything. Though you can get rid of different audio and subtitles it wont do much more than that, but it really doesn't need to. Even if you do want to use VobBlanker or something simular first you could and then just do the encoding (compression) with DVDCopy 5. It is a little slower than CloneDVD2 or Shrink at encoding, but I believe that is because it is doing a much better job and it is worth the couple of extra minutes IMO.
  12. elizerroj

    elizerroj Regular member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    One point about Intervideo, i wouldn't mess with its Customized part because you, most likely, will run into trouble, like under compression, too much compression, no audio, wrong audio... I have tried many times and it has always been a problem. so, if you have to custumized, just use vobBlanker first.
  13. fatstrat

    fatstrat Regular member

    Mar 16, 2005
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    That won't be an issue since I've been useing Pgcedit. I can still rip first then run through Pgcedit and use Dvd Copy 5.

    $29.00 won't kill me. I'm always up for new ways. I will reply back as soon as I try it.

  14. elizerroj

    elizerroj Regular member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    well, since i don't use rebuilder, whenever the compression is too much, i use intervideo and i can tell you that its quality output is better than all of the transcoders outthere.
  15. 300bowler

    300bowler Regular member

    May 16, 2006
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    @elizerroj, bbmayo,

    thanks for the info, i will try it out
  16. bbmayo

    bbmayo Active member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    You don't need to spend the $29 right away just like AnyDVD or CloneDVD 2 they have a fully functional trial you can use for a certain amount of time to see if you like it. I would suggest you try it first, but I suspect you will end up buying it if you value quality.

    I am actually pretty surprised that more people don't use this program I think it has been forgotten as people like the free proggies, but none of the free one's or any of the ones you buy for that matter can beat the quality produced by DVDCopy 5 IMO.
  17. LABOY

    LABOY Regular member

    Apr 23, 2003
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    Thanks for the info on Intervideo DVD Copy 5. Never heard of it before, but it sounds great. Just downloaded the file and may give it a 2 week try when I get some more movies to copy. I noticed it was a 63MB file, much larger than the <5mb copying files that I have. Being that large, must have some bells and whistles...
  18. wolfmanz

    wolfmanz Regular member

    Jan 8, 2007
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    I do all my back-ups Menu & Main Movie.

    1. Ripit4Me / Decrypter for all rips.
    2. VobBlanker / Shrink to analyze.
    3. No compression needed stripped with VobBlanker all others done with DVD Rebuilder Pro & CCE basic.
    4. ImgBurn to build ISO image from DVD files then burn to disc. All burns are verified and checked with DVD Info Pro.

    I know this is not for the beginner or someone looking for the fastest method to back up DVD's. For me this is most flexible and proven method which allows me to keep the menu's functional.

    Movies with no compression can be done in 35-40 minutes. DVD Rebuilder times are usually around 70-90 minutes, This is on a two year old 2.8 P4 machine that dual boots Windows XP an Linux.

    The best part is all of the above programs work well on Linux under Wine.

  19. Bigfatboy

    Bigfatboy Regular member

    Feb 7, 2005
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    well here is my two cents,

    1. anydvd + clonedvd2
    2. anydvd + intervideo dvd copy 5
    3. ripit4me
    4. anydvd + recode
    5. dvdfab decrypter + shrink, recode

    i have to agree with bbmayo, intervideo is great and i liked version 4 so much i upgraded to 5 so i have used intervideo now for two years or more. when i use intervideo is when the compression is high.

    i use these these progs for one thing and that is to protect my investment. i have small children and they can be careless sometimes. but i like having a quality backup also.

    thanks again for all your help, you truly are a great asset to this forum

  20. bbmayo

    bbmayo Active member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Well I like your process, however I would question why you would go threw all of that trouble on movies that need little or no compression when you can get fully functional menu + main movie quickly and easily using CloneDVD2? I am not questioning your process at all as I know this works, but rather why go through all of that when there is a much simpler way? Is it cost maybe?

    I am glad to be of help, and thank you for your kindness. Thats what keeps me going here is people like you. :)

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