I have an online business where I sell Old radio (mp3) and movie shows (vcd) from the 1940s. For the past year I have been using nero 5.5 and one TDK high speed burner. In the past 60 days the order volume has increased and I have been at the burner at least 1/2 a day everyday and have been trying to come up with a solution which would allow me to burn more than 1 CD at a time. I have purchased 2 TDK External burners. Now the question........If I want to burn two different Vcd movies at the same time ( these movies are stored on external Hard Drives) do I need two seperate computers with access to the external hard drives or is there a way to do this with 1 computer? I hope you can help or point me to someone that can. Thanks Mike http://www.40sradio-movies.com http://www.40smovies.us http://www.40sradio.us
When you go to burn in Nero, near the very bottom of the Burn tab there is a checkbox for using multiple burners. Then when you click 'Burn' it allows you to pick which burners you want to use. I think however you are limited to the lowest common speed of the burners... I dont know... mine are the same speed
I think this feature is if you want to make multiple copies of the same disk. But what if you want to burn two different movies at the same time. Thanks Mike
Assuming your system is up to the task then simply fire up two instances of Nero or whatever and have one instance burn one movie and another instance burn another movie
Not a good idea...burning multiple files using multiple burners while running multiple instances of burning software. The burn process as plain as it may seem, is actually a pretty tender process. Sure it's fine if yer burning the same files, to multiple cd's at the same time, but don't try multiple files to multiple cd's while running multiples of the burning software!?!?! In most cases, you'll find multiple errors a multiple number of times. Did any of that get through? Gh0st
Thanks Ghostie In the original question I have two computers each with an external usb burner but both computers accessing (via usb)external hard drives where mp3 & mpg1 files are kept. Does your recomendation still apply? Thanks Mike
I figured he was burning the same files hence my suggestion. All in all, it is far better to use multiple systems