hey i got the lg-8164b and a USB 2.0 To IDE adapter cable. is the only thing i need to do is hook up the USB 2.0 To IDE adapter cable to the IDE/PATA connector on the dvd rom and then put the other end(usb) into my computer,(am i done isntalling it)? if so i don't need to fill up the toehr parts of the dvd rom?
all i need to do is connect it to the dvd-rom and then connect other side to usb, no need to coennect to any pwoer source becuz its allready powered in computer?correct me if im wrong ppl
[edit - see ddp's post RE power connections] I think you're just about good to go. Don't be afraid to make mistakes either. Everyone has to learn somehow and if something did go wrong, we're here to help fix it. ;-) Edit: Typo & corrections
3.5" & 5.25" drives used externally needs a 12 volt external power adapter unless built into the external case. ide cable & power connecter of drive have to be connected from within the external adapter. audio cable can be connected if in external case.
Sorry to have answered a real question with a joke, it just seemed evident to me that such a power-greedy device would need external power. The very max power provided by USB mean is 2.5 W if my memory's good (unless you use several ports). Can you imagine powering the LASER plus the motor to spin the disc plus "all the other stuff within" with this?
haha guys im getting kinda of confused. so i don't need the power adapter rite? all i need is the usb to ide connector to connect the dvd rom to my computer, so its extrernal.?
the drive uses 12v & 5v but usb only has 5 volt so were does the 12v come from but from an external power adapter
yes tho depends on your windows version. if win2k & above with possible winme than don't need a driver whereas 98 does.