1. You need to be more specific.... what type of ISO is it? Data? VCD? SVCD? 2. I suspect it is either a large VCD or a fairly small SVCD based on the size. Have you actually tried burning the image yet? You should not have any problems burning an (S)VCD image because SVCDs regularly hit 830MB for a 700MB disc. Just remember to burn sloooooooooooow and everything should be fine.
I would think you could use alcohol to burn that baby with no problems. Or maybe you could even zip the file up and burn it. You could always unzip it on another computer.
You could also use bigger media (i.e., 900MB discs).... I dont think zipping would work because you would eventually have to burn it unzipped onto a CD in order to boot off it and install it. You shouldnt have any problems however (just remember to burn slooooooooooooow)
should be able to burn that no problems at all.. I have similar n in 1 discs that are larger then the 700 meg limit of a cdr.. Ive never had any problems burning it anyway.. OSs install fine, apps install games werk like supposed to. Try Alcohol 120% cause Nero tends to biatch and moan the image (bin/iso ) is too big for the media (the cdr) ..
Ya you should have no problem burning it... just remember to burn slower if you are worried. If you are really worried get yourself larger discs.
Stupid question..what are 3 in 1 discs? I assume that it is 3 discs in one, but I couldn't quite understand based on the context. Thanks for the information.
For system administrators and IT people like that (i.e., at a university), there are such discs so that the IT dude only has to walk around with one disc rather than a bunch of them. Convenience more than anything really.
*cough cough * the x in 1 discs are technically warez discs since Microsoft sure as hell doesnt supply all the versions of its Flagship OS Windows all on one disc ~ laffs ~ Basically the x in 1 discs have usuaslly 3 to 8 versions of software on them.. could be an OS, an application possibly a game.. Wouldnt suggest asking for where to get ahold of them on many forums/message boards since these x in 1s are now considered warez which are illegal
Simply put. No. The discs to which i refer are site licenced copies of whatever it may be and by the definition of site license, it is not warez. Who said anything about where to get anything?