Hallo The COM poort on mij pc do not work. by serial cabel I get no communication with tuner. and by other pc with same serial cabel and same program can get communication with tuner. in control panel/system/poorten/evreything work correct. Can any one help me Best regard
Check it is enabled in your BIOS. http://www.google.co.uk/search?num=100&hl=en&safe=off&q=enable+serial+port+bios&meta=
first thanks On bios system ,the com poort enable is. but the poort try to make connection with tuner but can not download the software to runer. by same program and same cabel by other pc ,download to tuner very well. I used this pc and same serial cabel many time but in one moment did't work. I dont'know what's happen
Hi IThe windows has problem with COM port. I can not download and upload a program to tuner. In windos control panel every thing is ok and on bios also the COM port is enabel. I test the serial cabel by other pc and tuner and they work very well. Now is that problem with hardware(main bord/Mother bord) How can I control that if is problem with hardware(main bord/Mother bord. Shall I upgrade the mainbord,and how can I do dat. This is a information of pc Windows XP Pr Pack 2 AMD Athlon(tm)XP 2400+ 200 GHZ/256MB. Best regard