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Pioneer dvr105 - Panasonic RV31 - Recordnow combo

Discussion in 'DVD2One forum' started by jtcalling, Sep 17, 2003.

  1. jtcalling

    jtcalling Guest

    Impressed with your site. I'm loathe to ask a redundant question but I couldn't quite find "the" solution in your posts yet. Scene:

    - ripped w/Smartripper, encoded 1st 30-min vob's/ifo's with DVD2one

    - burned with Recordnow Max (demo version) onto yer basic DVD-R disc.

    - disk plays great in my Pioneer 105 computer drive, but gets "can't play this kind of disk" in my standalone Panasonic RV31 machine. The RV31 is a high-powered machine, supposed to play any media (definitely DVD-R) and plays my vcds fine.

    Possible causes?
    - RV31 will not play a "partial" movie disk? (but why does it play in the 105 drive?)

    I wanted to try this (with DVD2One files that is) in Nero 6.0 but my demo expired. Can't see buying it or Recordnow until I see a workable demo. Any idears? Thanks much.
  2. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    Use the guide in my signature to show you how to burn a DVD Movie correctly using Record Now, as you need VIDEO_TS and multissession closed etcc....
  3. jtcalling

    jtcalling Guest

    Thanks man, worked just per your guide, finally. When all else fails look around for the instructions, right? You guys must be saints to put up with all these questions. One other thing I'm curious about, I got another demo version of Nero 6.0 running (had to format my drive, so...) but the Burn option is disabled & so can't verify that software. Is the demo supposed to be able to burn a dvd? I have an investment with Nero already and so would like to stay with them, but I know RecordNow works now. Just cautious. Thanks again.
  4. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    The Demo is suposed to burn but i would stick with the record now anyway.
  5. herbsman

    herbsman Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    There may be a conflict problem with two different burning apps on your Operating drive.

    Just burn DVD-Video with Nero eXpress & drop all VOB_BUP_IFO files into red VIDEO_TS folder provided.
    No Multi-session...

    Hey presto , a working DVD in stand alone player ; )

    I prefer Nero 6 Ultra over RecordNow myself but the Veritas software does work
  6. jtcalling

    jtcalling Guest

    Thanks guys. Everything looks good now, much appreciated.

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