bwa's and "no physical media data found"

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by cmthomps, Sep 22, 2003.

  1. cmthomps

    cmthomps Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    Hi There,
    I am trying to use blindwrite to copy warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne. I have a bin and cue file and after reading the guide for secuROM and blindwrite (thanks by the way) i downloaded a bwa for it. However, on the cd image verification screen it says "no physical media data found".

    Q) Beside making sure that the bwa has the same name as the cue and that they are all in the same directory is there any other reasons why it says "no physical media data found"? (Oh, besides the fact that i don't know what i'm doing ;o)

    Q) Can i use any bwa file i find for Frozen Throne or are some going to work better than others? Again i took the link in another post to copybase to get my bwa.

    Thanks both for this answer and the helpful guides.
  2. cmthomps

    cmthomps Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    Is there no help guys?
    i'm not sure if it could be the aspi drivers but i have the latest version
    could it be the burner?
  3. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Some will definitely be better than others dude. About your "no physical media data found" error... when does that show?
  4. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Did you tuck the downloaded bwa file in the folder where you saved Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne? If so and your backup doesn't work then create your own bwa file= try again m8. If that doesn't work then resort to CloneCD\TwinPeak Tool method.
    Warcraft III: The Frozen Zone bwa file download:
    Go to bwa file downloads.

    Shoey :)

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2003
  5. cmthomps

    cmthomps Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    Thanks guys. I'm getting a little frustrated. Sorry to repeat myself but could it be a burner problem? I mean a 1 sheep 2 sheep thing.

    I do have the bwa with the cue and bin files and they are all named the same and the cue refers to the same name as the bin.

    the "no physical media data found" happens on the "CD image verification" page as soon as i hit "START". i'm not sure if that is what you meant by "when does it show"

    Thanks again
  6. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    No, however, if the "image" wasn't read with sub-q channel (data) this might cause a problem. Are you loading the cue file using BlindWrite Suite? Remember that you burn using sub-q channel(the option extract subcodes is needed ticked ) when backing up SecuROM m8. Refer to the BlindWrite Suite, CloneCD\TwinPeak Tool guides.

    Shoey :)

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2003
  7. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Sorry... stupid question hehe however Shoey is right about the sub channels. Ensure that they are in fact checked off.. otherwise you are imaging enough data.
  8. cmthomps

    cmthomps Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    Thanks for the reply guys. Are subcodes and sub channels the same thing? And does this have to do with the blindREAD part of the tutorial? If both are true then i am even more confused because Shoey, you seem to say make sure the subcodes are checked on and Praetor, you say make sure they are checked off...

    I think i'm best off to restart at the beginning. Is there anything that i have to worry about before i look at my burner or software for the image dumping and burning? I'm refering to general settings for windows or aspi drivers(do they have anything to do with this) or anything you might assume someone would know.
  9. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    A) Yes m8
    Use BlindWrite Suite and choose the option to extract subcodes and read (or dump) the image(s) of Warcraft III. After you've done this determine the "play" disc of the cd and tuck a bwa file inside that folder (where you saved) and burn using BlindWrite DAO pw at 8x. Label that disc "play disc". Make another backup but this time remove the bwa file and after burning label "install disc"

    Shoey :)
  10. cmthomps

    cmthomps Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    Thanks Shoey. I'll try that when i get home... unless... i have a failed burnt copy here. Is it possible to use that with BlindRead? I'm thinking i read that in a post but i've read so many posts lately that i'm not sure anymore. Otherwise i can wait till i get home... And regarding setting up my computer before installing software for backing up games? ie: information i might need before i follow the tutorial on blindwrite suite?

    Thanks all.
  11. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    How many discs are there for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne? Blindread/Blindwrite= one program me. If it's one cd then do as I previously posted. If it contains 2 cd's then the "play" disc will be the one you'll need to make two backups of. I know this may sound confusing, but it's not I assure you. Get back with me on this thread and I'll walk you throgh the process (if needed).

    BlindWrite Suite:

    Shoey :)
  12. cmthomps

    cmthomps Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    I'm back. Thanks for the patience. I hace a few questions
    the expansion is only 1 CD
    Q1)i would like to do this on my laptop... is this possible. it has a toshiba dvd rom sd -r2212 1314. (I'm wondering about the whole 1 sheep burner thing)

    Q2)the protection that i am trying to get around... does it affect installing or just using the play disk? (ie: My first coaster actually installs the game but won't act as a play disk... should i take the beer off of it?)

    Seeing as how i'm taking my time at this please don't feel rushed to reply. Enjoy the weekend. And thanks again to all.
  13. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    A) Yes it is possible

    A) It mainly affects the playback of the backup m8. Follow the guides and if 1 bwa file is unsuccessfull, then use another drive to create another one. Just be sure that you create 2 backups, 1 labeled "install disc" (no bwa file in folder) and another labeled "play disc" (bwa file in folder).

    Shoey :)__X_X_X_X_X_[small]Certified Computer Technician
    Mobo: MSI KT4VL-6712
    CPU: AthlonXP Barton 2500+
    Ram: 512 SD-DDR (PC-2700)
    nVidia GeForce4 MX440-8x
    Maxtor ATA\133 80 gig hd
    DVD-ROM: LiteOn LTD 165H
    CDRW: Memorex52MAXX 2452[/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2003
  14. cmthomps

    cmthomps Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    Q3) At the risk of seeming (scratch that) Knowing that i'm going to seem totally foolish... when you say label one cd "Install Disk" do you mean the actual label on the cd? (ie What you see with explorer) If so, i can't find where blindwrite gives you the option of labelling the cd.

    Q4) If you remember this whole thread started because i was getting a "No physical media data found" when i clicked start on the "CD Image verification" screen of Blindwrite. I was using a downloaded BWA and after making my own i no longer had the "No physical media ..." problem. If i remove the BWA from the folder for the Install CD then BlindWrite will give me the "No physical media data found" problem again that i was having earlier. Is this OK for the install CD?

  15. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Did you attempt to burn the image anyway without the bwa file in folder?

    The reason why you burn the image without a bwa file in the folder and label with a marker is so you don't encounter install errors when installing on another pc m8. This backup is the "true image"(no bwa file in folder) and not "modified"(bwa file in folder). If you burn 1 backup using the bwa file in folder then you'll most likely encounter install. errors (crc). BlindWrite internet live assist would tell you to backup exactly like I'm instructing you to do so.

    1) Burn backup with no bwa file in folder and label "install disc"
    2) burn another backup [/b] with bwa file in folder [/b] and label "play disc".

    Shoey :)_X_X_X_X_X_[small]Certified Computer Technician
    Mobo: MSI KT4VL-6712
    CPU: AthlonXP Barton 2500+
    Ram: 512 SD-DDR (PC-2700)
    nVidia GeForce4 MX440-8x
    Maxtor ATA\133 80 gig hd
    DVD-ROM: LiteOn LTD 165H
    CDRW: Memorex52MAXX 2452[/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2003

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