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ASPI fails to see DVD+RW Drive

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by Almighty1, Jul 19, 2002.

  1. Almighty1

    Almighty1 Guest

    I have the HP DVD200e using the 1.27 hacked firmware via the firewire interface. While every software can see the drive, anything using ASPI doesn't. I am using ForceASPI 1.7 which is Adaptec ASPI 4.60 (1021). Does anyone know of any ASPI drivers that will allow programs that require the ASPI layer to see the drive? I'm not sure if the issue is because the drive is not connected via IDE or SCSI like ASPI devices are or is it because DVD+RW drives aren't supported by ASPI layers yet. I've tried the ASPI layers from LSI Logic/Symbios and Nero with the same results.
    This is under WindowsXP Professional Edition.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2002
  2. Almighty1

    Almighty1 Guest

    Just an update...

    I found a solution that is working for Feurio! 1.65, CDRWin 3.9a, and Exact Audio Copy 0.9 Beta 4 getting the drive to show up and working but CDRIdentifier v1.63 still doesn't see the drive so maybe it's a limitation of CDRId. What I did was put WNASPI32.DLL in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 from Nero ASPI from www.cdspeed2000.com since it seems like Adaptec ASPI 4.60 and 4.71 isn't able to support Firewire/USB devices but SCSI/IDE only.
  3. cd-rw.org

    cd-rw.org Active member

    Jan 22, 2002
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    CD-R Identifier doesn't support all the drives on the market. Feurio! can do the identification in such cases.
  4. Almighty1

    Almighty1 Guest

    CD-R Identifier is also a dead project unless the author gave the source code out so other people can continue to work on it. I thought CDR-Identifier doesn't need to support the drive directly but rather ASPI needs to support the drive. Feurio! works but it seems like CD-R ID has more info. Doesn't Nero InfoTool also give the ATIP info?

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