ok, i am a newbie and im looking for speakers to connect to my pc because i have a bunch of songs and no stereo. the only speakers i have are built into the computer and i am desperately looking for an upgrade. i am not looking for the best quality, just something with good quality and sounds good at a high volume. i would like a setup with something around two small speakers and a subwoofer. my budget for this would be between $40-$50. does anyone have any suggestions?
I love my Logitech speakers. They are 2.1 and were pretty cheap (I think $40 or so). They are older now, but you should be able to find a comparable set for about the same price. edit: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16836121119 This set looks about your price range and has many good reviews.
I agree with previous reply logitech ,2.1 speakers are awesome if you want 5.1 ok ,but threre will be cords everywhere my logitech are more than powerful driven by the subwooofer and the box is wood not plastic like some speaker subs.For 70- 80 dollars they are really worth it and perform right up with speaker in the $150 range.