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question about RipIt4Me and compressing

Discussion in 'Copy DVD to DVDR' started by tlb666, May 28, 2007.

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  1. tlb666

    tlb666 Guest

    someone once told me that if I use Ripit4me and dvd decrypter. I shouldnt, (if not needed) use dvd shrink. My question is this:

    lets say a dvd NEEDS to be compressed. IE....the output files are too big to fit on a reg DVD. Ok, that said IF it DOES need to be compressed is there ANY particular VALUE or percentage of compressing that is acceptable???

    i'm trying to ask if say a dvd needs 63% compression to fit...is that a small enough value to make a VERY nice copy???

    I'm VERY new to dvd'ing so please if i'm not making sense please say so and i'll try to explain.

    thanks and great community

  2. attar

    attar Senior member

    Jun 17, 2005
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    65% is very good.
    With DVD Shrink you can adjust the compression for each element like Menu, Extra, Unreferenced.
    Look under 'Compression settings' on the right panel and change 'Video' from 'Automatic' to 'Custom'.
    Replace the Extras with a still picture or an image.
    Even better is click 'ReAuthor', drag 'Title1' from right to left and remove the languages you don't want.
    Click on compression settings, note the % then uncheck a language and watch the compression get closer to 100.
  3. tlb666

    tlb666 Guest

    Attar: thank you for your help. I appreciate the info

    great community

  4. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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